Chapter 5

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A/n: hey! It's been three years since I've touched this bad boy. I'm back to give you another chapter after such a long hiatus. I am not in the BNHA fandom anymore so I'm running off of fumes from when I was 15 (I am an adult now, how time flies). Just a little heads up — my writing style has changed drastically and I no longer write in third person or use the classic y/n for fics anymore! This is because it's easier to be more inclusive with the way I write now :) kisses and hugs. Glad to be back!

Winter was rearing its angry head. You felt it in the way it stung your nose the moment you stepped outside in the early morning to walk to school. It wasn't so hard to bear when you thought of how you'd most likely find Tamaki: bundled up in your scarf — well, it was his now. It still didn't change the fact that you could pretend for a moment that there was some shared interest between the two of you. Maybe there was. You weren't quite sure with Tamaki. He was shy and kept his feelings to himself for the most part, other than to groan about how he didn't want to be in certain situations. Maybe, you thought as you watched your legs with each step along the frosty sidewalk, maybe it's all just one-sided.
You'd liked Tamaki for a while. Almost since the beginning of your meeting. At first, you'd just found him cute. He was attractive, every bit of him, from the tips of his toes to the top of his head. You especially loved those pointed ears and his perpetually timid posture. That was all at first, though. All face-value attraction. Time brought with it deeper affections. Now you had became aware that it was him you loved: the tremble in his voice when he got nervous, how he was a little cowardly at times but still did his best to push on, and how much he loved his friends. You knew he really, truly, deeply cared for Mirio and Nejire. You probably fit somewhere in that equation too, you're sure. But selfishly, you wished for more.

Someone calls your name softly and you blink out of your thoughts, looking sideways at who'd joined you on the sidewalk. Tamaki walked beside you, peering out through a curtain of dark bangs. The scarf you'd given him was bundled high enough to muffle his voice when he spoke. "You were staring off into space..."

"Sorry!" You chuckle and wave a dismissive hand. "I was just lost in thought, is all."

Tamaki tilts his head a little, not unlike a curious puppy. "It's not often you do that. Is... something the matter?"

You watch as his breath billows in the cold air even through the scarf. You want to bundle him up even more so that the cold might have no possible way of getting to him. So that he wouldn't shiver slightly like he is now. "No, I was... just reminiscing, I think."

"Uh oh."

"Uh oh?" You laugh at him. "Don't give me the 'uh oh,' you think I'm gonna get cheesy all of a sudden?" You step sideways a little and nudge him. It never stopped surprising you at how little effect a nudge had on him. For all Tamaki's shivering cowardice, he was actually physically strong — a fact you sometimes forget when you see him trembling over a presentation. You had no doubt that he could be stronger than you, too. Maybe even beat you in an arm-wrestling match.

"It's not that," Tamaki looks down at his shoes. "It just makes me... nervous."

"Nervous?" You tilt your head, studying the way his eyes narrow slightly in the way they always did when he felt queasy with nerves.

"I start to worry that I haven't changed much... since then. Since I was younger." His mutterings were barely audible and you had to lean in a little to hear them.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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