Chapter 1

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Quiet glances and soft blushes were something that both Tamaki and Y/n seemed to share often.
Though, they never spoke about it.
They never dared to speak about how their eyes would meet often during class.

Y/n met Tamaki through his best friend, Mirio when they had just entered UA. The dark-haired boy had been so very incredibly shy. He wouldn't even look at her for the first few weeks they had hung out together. Tamaki wasn't much of a talker either, y/n found. Though, in the time she had known Tamaki he had grown out of his shell just a little. But he was still very much shy and anxiety-ridden.

"What did you get for problem four?" Y/n whispered, leaning closer to Tamaki. She and him were currently in a group project with two other people.

"U-Uhm... here..." Tamaki averted his gaze, sliding the paper over to y/n. Y/n read over his answer and looked to her paper. They'd both gotten the same answer so she was going to assume they were correct.

"Thank you," Y/n said, sliding the paper back to him. Tamaki nodded quickly, eyes doing a quick double-take at her before he stared down at his paper.

"Remember, presentations are due Friday." The teacher spoke above the chattering students. Y/n heard Tamaki shift uncomfortably in his seat. She looked over at him. Tamaki's eyebrows were furrowed and he was staring at the table hard enough to bore a hole in it.

"Tamaki? Are you ok?" Y/n whispered.

"I wanna go home." He answered quickly.

"Are you not feeling ok?" She tilted her head.

"I don't want to do the presentation." Tamaki closed his eyes tightly, bowing his head to hide his face on the desk. Y/n sighed.

"I know, me neither." She whispered, placing her cheek on the desk to look at him.
"But it'll be ok, you've got three of us up there with you." She smiled.

"That doesn't help," Tamaki muttered, his forehead pressing into the desk.

"You've only got a little part to say." Y/n tried to reassure him.
"It'll be over really quick, I promise." She closed her eyes.

"...ok..." Tamaki's voice shook slightly as he sat up again. Y/n smiled, her eyes opening again as she sat up as well.

"W-where do you think he is...?" The dark-haired boy looked around for Mirio. Both he and y/n were waiting after class for the blonde boy.

"Probably talking to someone, you know how he is." Y/n giggled.

"Hey, guys! Sorry, I was talking to someone!" Mirio smiled and waved at them as he walked out of the door.

"Told you." Y/n let out a breathy laugh. Mirio jogged down the stairs towards them.

"What were you guys doing before I got here?" He smiled, looking to Tamaki and then to y/n.

"Oh, Tamaki was just asking me where you were. You took forever!" She teased, nudging his side.

"Ah- h-hey! I did not!" Mirio giggled.

"Uhuh! You did!" Y/n stuck her tongue out with a smile.

"Ok, ok maybe I took a little longer than usual." Mirio nudged her back.
"How's my buddy Tamaki doing?" Mirio looked to the slightly shorter boy.

"I'm fine," Tamaki said quietly, his eyes glued to the sidewalk even when Mirio wrapped an arm around his shoulder in a playful manner.

"Just fine?" Mirio raised an eyebrow, his smile unfading.

"Tamaki's probably worried about the presentation on Friday," Y/n explained.

"Ohhh that's right! You guys have a group project, huh?" Mirio raised his eyebrows.
"Well, you'll do great!" He gave them a thumbs-up.

"Thanks..." Tamaki barely gave a nod.

"Yeah! It'll be easy!" y/n nodded and smiled.
Her eyes moved back to look at Tamaki as they walked.

The trees that banded the sidewalk in a neat line rustled in the wind, their leaves starting to turn. This year was already dipping into fall, and the evenings were getting cooler. Y/n shivered as a frosty breeze blew past the three of them.
'I need to start bringing a scarf with me.' She thought, looking down at her feet.

"Man, it's getting chilly!" Mirio commented.
"Make sure you guys wear warm clothes!
I wouldn't want you getting sick!" He smiled at them.

"Oh! Tamaki that reminds me!" Y/n turned to him. Tamaki's eyes widened, looking at her nervously.
"That scarf I let you borrow, do you still have it? I'm gonna need it back." She tilted her head at him.

Tamaki knew exactly where that scarf was. He'd kept it folded neatly on the desk in his room.
He liked that scarf...

"Yeah, I've still got it..." He nodded.
"I-I can give it to you tomorrow..." He muttered, heart rate picking up. He'd almost asked her to come home with him so he could give her the scarf there. Luckily, his brain acted before his mouth could. He couldn't have her coming over when his room was such a mess... that would be so embarrassing.

"Is it alright if I just stop by your house and pick it up?" Y/n ran her fingers through her hair.

"Y-yeah." Tamaki nodded quickly. He cursed in his head. Now she was coming over.

"Sweet, thank you." Y/n flashed him a smile.

"J-Just stay here," Tamaki said nervously as he opened the front door. He didn't want her coming into his room and seeing the mess it was.
Y/n nodded at his request, looking around as she heard Tamaki walk inside, his footsteps fading out of earshot.

"Hmm..." y/n peered in the front door, keeping her feet in place. She leaned back when she heard Tamaki's footsteps come back.

"H-here." He handed her the scarf.

"Thank you!" Y/n beamed, taking the scarf from his hands.
'It's folded so nicely...' She thought, taking notice of the care Tamaki had seemed to give this piece of fabric while it was in his possession.

"...yeah." Tamaki nodded, looking at the scarf that was in her hands. He knew it wasn't his... but he wanted to keep it.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" Y/n waved as she walked away from the door.

"Y-yeah!" Tamaki pulled himself from his thoughts to give her an awkward wave.

"I'll... see you tomorrow."

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