Chapter 4

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"So... what do you think?" Y/n asked curiously as Nejire stepped out from behind the makeshift changing spot in the classroom.

"I think I like this one...!" She said as she floated over to the teal dress they'd gotten her. It had fluttery light fabric that loosely flowed behind her when she moved.

"Yeah? We can use that one as the finale then. Does that sound good?" Y/n inquired as she glanced back at Tamaki who was watching silently.

"Y-yeah... we have to make sure the first dresses are interesting... b-but not so interesting they outshine the last..." he added, shuffling forward to stand beside y/n. It seemed Tamaki had been in this pageant business long enough to understand what got you to the top ranks.

"Okay, sounds good!" Nejire smiled and went behind the curtain to change back into her school uniform. Tamaki began hanging the dresses back up on the racks, unsuspecting as y/n walked up behind him.

"Hey, Tamaki?" He jumped at how close her voice sounded.

"Y-yeah?" He turned halfway to meet her eyes for a second. One look from her and he felt like his heart was going to leap out of his throat.

"Wanna go get something to eat?" Y/n looked down, shuffling her feet.

"H...huh...?" Tamaki's eyes widened. The hanger he was holding slipped out of his hands and clattered to the floor.
"O...oh sure... um." He stuttered bashfully as he bent down to pick up what he'd dropped. Y/n let out a small snort of amusement.
"W...when...?" Tamaki placed the hanger back on the metal rack. His gaze slid up slowly from the floor to give a hesitant glance at her eyes.

"Right now."

"N-now?!" He tensed up and looked around.

"Mhm. Nejire is done for the day so... I figured we could go to grab something to eat." She shrugged.

"Yeah, go have some fun, Tamaki!" Nejire grinned as she stepped out from behind the curtain, now in her school uniform again.
"I have to go practice my choreography for the pageant anyway." She grinned.

"I... guess so." He muttered with a small nod, eyes glued to the floor. Y/n smiled at him, though he was too focused on the ground to notice.

"Okay. I thought of a place we could both eat! I know you like takoyaki and stuff." She smiled and opened the door for him.

"Thanks..." Tamaki mumbled. It was heartwarming she'd thought so far ahead for him...

"Mhm!" Y/n absentmindedly nodded.

"Is it good?" Y/n tilted her head at Tamaki. They were sitting across from each other in the restaurant she had spoken about earlier. It was a nice place with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The lighting was almost orange, which paired well with the deep mahogany walls.

Tamaki gave a small nod of approval at this question. His mouth was full and he didn't want to seem rude.

"Thank you for taking me." He said softly as his eyes returned down to the plate not moments later.

"My pleasure, I like spending time with you after all." Y/n beamed at him, much like how Mirio sometimes did... though there was a different way about how she looked at him. A sense of warmth that was different than Mirio's.

"I... like spending time with you too." He blurted out. A bit of red rose to his fairly pale skin. Y/n's smile returned to her lips.

"I'm glad." She nodded. The waiter stopped by with their bill. Y/n reached into her bag to get out her card when Tamaki muttered something.
"What was that?" Y/n perked up to look towards him just as he slid his card into the booklet.

"I'll pay for it." He mumbled.

"N-Nono it's okay I'll get it, Tamaki! It was my treat anyway." Y/n reached over to remove his card from the booklet... but a wave of braveness seemed to come over Tamaki and he placed his hand over hers, stopping her.

"Let me take care of it." He stared into her eyes for a moment. Suddenly intimidated, y/n nodded and put her card away.

"I-if you say so." She mumbled.

The two of them walked along the sidewalk of their usual route home. It was getting dark, and the air cooled to prove it.

"Are you excited about the festival?" Y/n chirped. Tamaki was silent for a moment as he thought about her question.

"I guess. I'm more nervous about it though." He spoke in a mumbled tone as his eyes stayed on the sidewalk.

"Mm." The h/c haired girl nodded in understanding.
"Don't get too nervous, okay Tamaki? It'll be alright." She gave a gentle pat to his back. Tamaki's posture hesitantly straightened up from her gentle pats. He nodded in her direction.

"I hope Nejire will win." He spoke up.

"Oh, she will!" Y/n laughed in a reassuring tone.
"She's got choreography... pretty dresses, and pretty looks." She counted on her fingers.
"She came close to winning last time right?" Y/n tilted her head.

"Yeah..." The dark-haired boy nodded.

"Then she's bound to win this time," Y/n responded. Tamaki nodded in agreement as he tried to push down his building anxiety.
"Mmm~" y/n tilted her head at him fondly.
"Maybe you should join the pageant." She nudged his side teasingly.

"No." Tamaki shut down the idea immediately as he screwed his eyes shut.

"I was teasing~! You would win the pageant anyway." She shrugged.

"No I wouldn't."

"Yeah, you would!" Y/n giggled.

"How..?" He glanced at her timidly.

"You're not a bad-looking guy! Plus your quirk is cool and flashy... and I'm sure we could find something that looks amazing on you." Y/n's smile widened.

"You're making fun of me." Tamaki turned his face away from her.

"What?! No no no!" Y/n shook her hands as she jogged to stand in front of him.
"I'm being serious! I think you're pretty good-looking Tamaki! And I think lots of people would vote for you in the pageant." She smiled reassuringly. Tamaki gave her an unsure look. Y/n's eyes widened and she realized how red his cheeks had gotten.

"T-thanks... but... I'm not jointing the pageant." He looked away from her again, bringing a hand up to his face to hide his blushing cheeks.

"You don't have to! I was only joking about joining."  Y/n shook her head. Tamaki nodded in understanding.

"Um... thanks for dinner... I'm gonna head home." Tamaki mumbled awkwardly.

"Okay. Have a nice night, Tamaki." Y/n nodded and gave him a wave goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Tamaki glanced back at her and raised his hand to wave back.

It looks better on you (Tamaki Amajiki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now