Chapter 3

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"You said Nejire should take a flashy approach... like what?" Y/n tilted her head at the elf-eared boy as they walked home.

"Uhm... I-I was thinking maybe..." he lifted his hand to scratch his cheek.
"She's got a flashy quirk... So she should use her quirk a bit... I-in the pageant." His eyes glanced at y/n for a brief moment before they returned to the sidewalk.

"Mmm..." y/n looked up slightly as she thought for a moment.
"That's a good idea, it would add on the 'flashy' aspect you were thinking about." She nodded with a light smile.
"My mom's making hot pot tonight, do you want to come over?" Y/n asked, giving a curious look to Tamaki. He seemed to tense a little.

"Uh- um... thank you." He muttered.

Of course, he wanted to come to eat with her, but the thought of sitting at the dinner table with her family... made him nervous.

"Sorry..." Tamaki rubbed his knuckles nervously.

"No no! It's ok! I just wanted to invite you." Y/n smiled and waved her hands dismissively.
"My mom always makes too much, Ahah! But seriously, it's fine if you don't wanna come." She nodded, giving a small pat to his shoulder. He nodded, pulling his bag a bit higher on his shoulder. It was silent for a moment as the two of them walked, shoes tapping on concrete and the rustle of the trees lining the road were the only sounds until Tamaki spoke up.

"Um... tomorrow after school... I was thinking that w-we could go dress-shopping for Nejire... our class raised a bit of money to pay for the expenses." Tamaki mumbled.

"Yeah! I'd love to go!" Y/n smiled happily, looking back over at the elf-eared boy.

"G-great... um..." Tamaki struggled for a moment.
"I'll... I'll see you tomorrow then." He nodded, indigo eyes glittering in the evening sun as he gazed at her for a brief moment... before breaking eye contact.

"Mhm, I'll see you tomorrow, Tamaki." Y/n smiled gently, her hand patting his shoulder before she headed off towards her home.

Tamaki stood still for a moment, the wind ruffling his hair as he reached up to touch the spot y/n had touched. His fingers brushed his shoulder gently, the smallest of smiles peeking onto his lips.

"Tamaki! It's pretty chilly out here today." Mirio shivered dramatically as he walked alongside the dark-haired boy.

"It is kind of cold..." Tamaki mumbled.

"Y/n!!" Mirio waved, both of his hands above his head.

"Oh! Hi!" Y/n smiled as she slowed down for them to catch up with her.
"It's pretty cold today isn't it?" She asked the same question Mirio had.

"I know right! I was just telling Tamaki about it." Mirio nodded. Tamaki looked up from the ground, noticing a familiar scarf around her neck. It was the one he'd borrowed for a while.

"Did you forget a scarf again?" Y/n nudged his shoulder playfully.

"Yes..." Tamaki nodded, giving her a sheepish look before he glanced away.

"Haha! Here..." y/n smiled and slid the scarf off of her neck.

"B-but-" Tamaki protested as he felt the warmth of the scarf being placed around his neck... y/n's remaining body heat warming his skin.

"Shh... it looks better on you anyway." Y/n hushed him before she faced forward again. Tamaki felt his cheeks heating up. How could she say something like that so casually? She thought it looked good on him?

Tamaki lifted the fabric curiously, the deep blue pattern did match his hair he supposed...

"You can keep it. I've got others at home." Y/n whispered to him. He nodded quickly as his eyes returned to the ground, a faint blush on his cheeks.

"What are you guys doing after school?" Mirio asked curiously.

"I'm going with Tamaki to buy some dresses for Nejire's pageant," Y/n explained.

"Oh, that's right! Gahh... I wish I could come with you guys... but I've got patrol with Sir Nighteye today." He groaned.

"I hope you have fun!" Y/n smiled.

"I'm sure I will! It's never boring with Sir." Mirio chuckled.

"How about you and Fatgum, Tamaki?" Y/n turned to him.

"He gave me some time off... I can help Nejire with the pageant and stuff..." Tamaki lifted a hand to scratch behind his neck.

"That's nice of him!" Y/n could hear the first-period bell tone as they neared the school.
"Ah! We're late!" She said as she broke into a jog.

"Are we going to get in trouble..." Tamaki whispered nervously... the thought of the teacher calling him out for being late made him feel nauseous and fluttery... and not in a good way.

"Probably not! Don't worry about it buddy!" Mirio smiled as he jogged after y/n.

"What about this....?" Y/n turned to Tamaki as she pulled off a rosy pink dress from the racks at the clothing store.

" what about something lighter?" He asked softly.

"Ok! Hmm..." y/n placed it back on the rack, looking around curiously.
"Are we trying to match with her hair...? Like a light blue or maybe a teal?" She tilted her head at the selection of dresses.

"Yeah... something like that." Tamaki nodded as he walked to stand beside her, pushing some dresses aside.

"Did you get measurements for her?" Y/n asked, glancing sideways at the boy.

"Y-yeah, right here." He fumbled through his pockets for a moment before pulling out a slightly crumpled piece of paper.

"Sweet, ok..." y/n took the paper from his hands, smoothing it over slowly as she read it.
"What's our budget?" Her eyes were still looking over the paper as she asked him.

"Umm..." he pulled out another crumpled sheet of paper.
"¥21,591." He read shakily, his eyes glancing back and forth at the numbers

"Got it ok... so we can buy like three or four for Nejire to try on." Y/n nodded as she went back to shuffling through the dresses. The paper in Tamaki's hand crunched again as he pushed it back into his pocket.
"What about this one?" She pulled out a light blue dress, it was flowy and made of light material.

"T-that one might work."

It looks better on you (Tamaki Amajiki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now