Accidental discovery

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All was quiet, except for the clicking noises of the nurses' and doctors' shoes resounded near the waiting room, no one acknowledged it and we're to fixated on the trauma that they were all feeling. Rapunzel had her head down and a very worried expression on her face, Jack just stood at a corner, his expression readless but you could tell that a father was worried, North quiet as well, Anna, Kristoff and Mal were all quiet and holding one another.

Emma's school bus had collided with a truck and about 30 children were injured, emma included. It felt like a nightmare when they all got the phone call, made them all scared how something so horrible could happen in the blink of an eye. They were all going about their normal activities...

Jack and Rapunzel:

Rapunzel put the last cloth in and shut the washing machine, she was about to turn it on when Jack's head spilled into the room, he frowned slightly, hands crossed as he watched Rapunzel about to turn the washing machine without putting the detergent.

"Stop!" He echoed, Rapunzel jumped and held her chest as she turned back in fear.
"What the hell Jack! You almost scared the....wait what are you doing here anyway, aren't you supposed to be at work?"

He ignored her and looked at the washing machine, she frowned
"You didn't put in detergent"
Rapunzel raised an eyebrow giving that 'seriously' expression
"Is that what this is about?!"

Jack rubbed his temples "No Rapunzel it's about you not listening when I'm telling you things, you always like to do things your way, cleaning the bathroom...your way, cleaning the kitchen...your way..." He mentioned whilst counting on his fingers, rapunzel's frown deeper now as she rolled her eyes.

".... cleaning out the garage... your..."
"Just stop right there!" She cut him off, her hand up to his face, after a while she lowers it slowly, Jack kept a neutral but slightly annoyed expression.

"Alright fine, I may have not been paying attention but what's detergent you can't just tell me to put in nicely rather than start an argument"

"Oh my god you weren't listening again, it's.not.about.detergent! It's about hearing me out, you think because you're a woman that you know how to clean the house so thoroughly but it's my house too and I've been in it way longer than you have so I know the special tricks in keeping everything sparkly, sure you do what you do just fine but you make it seem like that's the only way it should be done, for God's sakes Rapunzel, last week, you told me I wasn't holding the vacuum right....who holds a vacuum incorrectly?!"

"Don't yell at me! You'll regret it" she said, her hands on her hips now, both staring angrily into each other's eyes. There's silence for a while then suddenly, Jack's phone rings. He scoffs and reaches into his pocket, still looking at Rapunzel while frowning, he answered it.

"Hello?....yes this is Jackson Overland...yes...WHAT?!...oh my god... I...I'll be right there" he said and ran towards the living room, Rapunzel was worried now, she ran after Jack.

"Jack what's wrong?!"
"I'll explain just get dressed now!" He commanded, Rapunzel clumsily hurried towards the bedroom to get changed. After a while they both ran out the house and into the car, Jack put on google maps and started driving.

"Jack you're going sixty on a thirty, what is wrong, tell me!"

"Emma's in the hospital, her bus collided with a truck on their way to school...ahh" he groaned and held his head, he'd been having migraines the past week and was advised not to stress a lot so he took three days off work. Rapunzel sighed.

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