Life without her

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Eugene groaned as he waited for the bus once again, he missed the first one because he had tie his shoes and if not his freaking car was dead... He ran a hand through his hair again and thought about her....yes rapunzel, it may sound cliche but his life was miserable without her but let's flash back a bit shall we.

The day she caught him cheating--

Eugene watched her run out into the streets,  he couldn't chase her, even if he did what would he want to explain to her when he finally slowed her down. He slowly went back upstairs and sat on his bed,  ran a hand through his hair. Vanessa got up from the bed and sat next to him.

"who the hell was that babe? "
"Can you just stop talking for a moment" Eugene said and the girl frowned.

"I can't believe you lied to me,  you have some explaining to do"

Eugene didn't answer her, he just sat thinking, Vanessa frowned, she walked up to his bedside table and grabbed her bag and phone then made for the door, turning back she said...

"Call me when you get your thoughts okay" and walked out. Eugene spent hours thinking and contemplating, he loved rapunzel no doubt, she was pretty, sweet, always there for him but one thing he didn't like about her is that she was willing to give herself to him until their wedding night.  He was a man and had his needs but she never once decided to satisfy in any way but vanessa...was pretty yes and almost all the things rapunzel was but she was too damn good in bed, a goddess he had never experienced before.

They met in a bar, he was super drunk and that time rapunzel had gone to see her parents.  She sat next to him looking all seductive, even though he was drunk, he could see that she had come for him.

"Hey" she said and brought out her hand, Eugene looked at it, he was seeing four. She laughed and took it back.

"I know you shouldn't be so drunk at this time... Unless you're single"

Eugene's head spun for a minute,  he wasn't single and he had forgotten to put on his engagement ring so he had two options, be moved by lust and tell this beauty that he's single or say no and never get the satisfaction he craved.

Time skip---(still the flashback)

He was now lip to lip with the girl from the bar, their kiss set fireworks in his head, they kept moving till his leg reached the bed and he fell on top of it. He had somehow managed to drive this girl home...without having an accident.

She smiled at him and started unzipping her dress,  Eugene watched in awe,  he almost gasped when he saw her beautiful body, she was wearing a matching  pink polka dot bra and underwear. She got on top of him and they kissed again, she took off his shirt and trousers. Their clothes were on the floor now, they kissed, more passionately,  both were driven wild by lust.

Minutes felt like hours as her moans filled his ears like his favorite song, Her legs wrapped around him while he was thrusting and pleasuring her, soon it was all over. His hand was stroking her short red hair, till now he never really saw the color exactly, she fell asleep fast even though he did all the work.

Eugene felt a pang of guilt in his body,  he thought about rapunzel and how much she had done for him but still... He looked at the sleeping beauty beside him, he smiled. Well, he thought to himself that there couldn't be anything wrong, as long as he didn't make this frequent after that he slept off.

Eugene kept meeting her often,  he explored her through and through and couldn't get enough if it. He learnt that her name was Vanessa and soon started paying more attention to her, he forgot all about rapunzel but called occasionally so that things won't be suspicious.  He took Vanessa out for dates and found out that she was an interesting woman.

Three days before rapunzel was due to be back, he decided to end things with Vanessa but not without getting a taste of her first. He invited her over, they watched a movie, a romcom to be exact and things got a little heated. He took her up to his bedroom and once again got the satisfaction he craved,  Vanessa always seemed to amaze him in bed again and again. He went to shower and clear his thoughts,  he silently rehearsed how he would let her down without her wanting to kill him or anything after he had found the perfect way to say it, he got out the shower,  wrapped his towel around his waist but soon heard Vanessa talking to someone.

"Babe who is it? " he said as he came out but was soon shocked to see rapunzel, a lot ran through his mind but one superseded which was wanting the ground the open and swallow him whole. Rapunzel glanced at him and the woman then opened the door and ran out,  he chased her and saw that she fell down the stairs,  he felt really bad and wanted to help her but she managed through the pain and ran out the main door.

Flash back ended

Eugene wanted to kill himself every time he remembered that day, the scorching sun gave him a headache, the bus was now in sight, he then got into it and sighed.  He sat next to a man, he had brown shaggy hair and seemed really busy on the phone.

"Hey, where's your stop?" the man asked him

"uh.. Just down the road not far from here"

"Great, do you know How to get to ferry way street, I'm going to see my girlfriend"

Eugene frowned sadly a bit still answered his question and the man introduced himself as Hiccup and his girlfriend was non other than rapunzel's best friend Merida. He got down with him and Hiccup thanked him again and walked away,  Eugene soon face palmed himself as he didn't bother asking for Merida's number,  maybe she would know where rapunzel was... He sighed,  rapunzel must have told her everything and she wouldn't wanna tell him if she knew.

He got a phone call from Vanessa, he didn't stay in touch with after that time and forgot to delete her number. However he answered his phone.

"Hello.... What, I don't know... Okay okay I'm coming" he then put the phone back in his pocket, she had told him to meet her somewhere not to far from where he was. He crossed the road to the next street and saw her,  she was still looking gorgeous, Her red hair now dyed pale pink with black outlines.

He sat in front of her, she removed her sunglasses and had a serious look on her face, he frowned a bit, this couldn't be good.

", how are you?" he said awkwardly.

"Cut the crap Eugene, why haven't you been calling... Is it because of that blonde bitch that I saw-"

"Okay mind the way you talk about rapunzel!"

Vanessa was taken aback,  she frowned and put her sunglasses back on.

"I don't have time to waste on you,  we are done okay,  don't ever talk to me.  I don't wanna see your stupid face ever again!"

She screamed and left,  he sighed... Great, just great now he was really single. He didn't know why he reacted that way when she talked about rapunzel but one thing was for sure,  he was gonna find her, wherever she was.

A/N: Done yah 😃, the chapter may have some smut but I made sure not to go too far. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter,  let's see what fate holds for Eugene and will he find rapunzel? What will happen if he eventually does?  Let's see what punzie's life is right now, see you all in the next chapter, don't forget to vote, share, comment and follow.

Sylvia out😋✌

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