The dance

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"Students, don't forget about the parents student dance tomorrow and invite your parents. It will be so much fun" Mrs Giselle said as the students left the class, Emma sighed, this was the eighth time that she didn't have any mom to bring and worst of all, this was the time that those who did...bullied her about it. She hurriedly packed her books in bag and rushed out but stopped dead in her tracks when she heard her name.

"Hey Emma! No mom this year?" A girl said and two other girls laughed with her, she clenched a fist and tried walking away.
"Its okay though, some of us aren't as unfortunate as you so..." She said and walked away but Emma hissed.

"You know what Claire?! You are mean and I hate you, even your so called parents don't love you either" Emma didn't know what she was saying but she was really angry.

"So what if I don't bring a mom every year, my dad is better than your parents combined" and with that she walked away, The girl feeling very angry charged towards her and pulled her hair, when Emma fell, she was on top of her, pinning Emma's hands at the side.
"You will never be happy, you will never have a mom and will always be a freak" She whispered menacingly and stood up then walked away, Emma stood up then grabbed her bag and ran out, her tears flowing down more than usual. She stopped at a corner and cried her eyes out. It happened almost all the time and she didn't know why but she hated when it happened but never told her dad or any teacher.
"Claire was right....I don't have a mom to bring each year and I'll never be happy" she whispered to herself and cried some more. Emma shot up with realization then dried her tears and smiled.


"A dance?" Rapunzel asked confused "Tomorrow?"
"Yes, you see....we're supposed to bring our moms and dads but mine is..."

Rapunzel sighed and held Emma's shoulders "Alright I'll go, its been long since I've done any formal dancing anyways" she said and laughed, emma smiled.
"Thank you" she hugged rapunzel and ran upstairs happily. Rapunzel sighed while smiling, she imagined dancing with Jack. Her arms around his neck and his hands on her lower waist, strong and firm...she'd love the feeling. Gazing into each other's eyes, swaying with the music, no one else would matter, they would be like a couple in love.....Love? Why did that word always pop up in her mind when she thought about Jack, in fact, some things he did made her blush madly and most times it seemed too intimate for two people who are just friends.

Rapunzel recalled when she had some trouble with her zipper, jack entered the room unknowingly and she gasped. He apologized and she said it was okay but she still felt embarrassed. Jack eyed her a bit and immediately knew what the problem was, he smiled nervously and offered to help.

"No its okay...I... I got it" she said with her back facing the wall. He approached her slowly, her face growing redder and redder. He had a reassuring smile on his face, then he turned her and chuckled at the stuck zipper. Rapunzel squeezed her eyes shut with embarrassment, he tugged at the zipper for a while then it became free and jack unzipped it slowly. Rapunzel was about to tell him thank you when he went further to slide her shirt off her shoulders slowly, she had her eyes closed. His touch felt cold but warm at the same time, she didn't know what was happening and she didn't want him to stop. Her shirt came off but her eyes were still closed, hoping for more, she was disappointed when jack said...
"All done"
"Huh? What..."
"You're welcome and uh...see ya" he said and walked out, rapunzel was confused but became more embarrassed when she saw that all she wore was her bra. She groaned.

Rapunzel blushed at the memory, but now she looked forward to the dance even more. She widened her eyes with realization.
"I need to find a dress" she said and rushed out.


"A dance? Oh, the dance" jack said sadly, rapunzel smiled and held his shoulder.
"I know how you feel but well, Emma asked me to go with you this year"
"Yep, this afternoon and I figured I'd tell know if you wanna go with me have someone else in mind?" Rapunzel asked nervously. Jack looked at her for a while then smiled.
"Its okay, I'd love to go with's just there's one problem"
"I don't remember how to dance" he said and rapunzel widened her eyes.

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