A party with memories

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Rapunzel kept looking at Jack, he seemed really bothered. He received a call this morning and since then he's been restless and has been avoiding her.

She walked up to him, he made to stand but she put her knees in his laps and held him down with her hands. He gulped.

"Jack what's wrong? And you better give me an answer"

"Look rapunzel, it's complicated... I can't say yet, I'll have to tell Emma first"

"Well she's not home yet from Aunt Anna's and she won't be back till six, so you have about 7 more hours and it won't take at least twenty minutes to tell me what the hell is bothering you"

Jack looked away, rapunzel sighed and stood up from him then walked away. Jack watched her go feeling bad, he knows he'd have to tell her sooner or later but not now, he'd have to make some preparations for the memorial.


"Ugh, we aren't even married and he's already keeping secrets!" Rapunzel complained in her room.

"Calm down, maybe it's something he doesn't want to bother you about" Ellen said while holding back a chuckle.

"El, I hope you're right because I hate secrets"

"It's fine okay? I know Jack...well to an extent and he loves you so...just wait, he'll come around"

"I...I guess, thanks El"

"Anytime Punz, but I gotta go, we'll talk later okay?"

"Okay bye"

Rapunzel put her phone down and sat on the bed and sighed, Jack had gone out minutes after she confronted him and she was in the house alone...then she sighed again and thought to go visit Merida.

Meanwhile, Jack had gone to see Thiana, he stood on her doorway and knocked. She opened the door laughing then stopped when she saw him.

"H..hey Jack, what are you doing here?"

"Can we talk please I kinda need your help with something"

"Sure" she said and let him in, the first thing he saw was a guy. He looked a bit dirty, he had on yellow shirt and yellow pants, he looked like he was five foot one and he had curly golden yellow hair.

"Um Thiana..."

"Oh sorry" She apologized when she closed the door "This is my friend Sandy, we were friends back in middle school and we came in contact last week so..."

"Are you two..."

"Oh no" Sandy said chuckling "Not yet though" he added then winked, Thiana smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Sit jack, can I get you anything?"

"Um no...but uh, can I talk to you in private?"
"Sure let's go to my patio"

They both walked to her patio and closed the sliding door, they both sat and faced each other, though Jack was facing down. Thiana seemed worried and nervous at the same time, she hoped it wasn't bad news.

"So...what's up"
"It's just...how do I tell rapunzel that it's Elsa's memorial anniversary today?"
"Is that what this is about?" Thiana asked a bit annoyed, rapunzel again.

"Well I mean yeah, it's not like she doesn't like the fact that I was married before but I don't know how she'll feel about the whole news"

"She shouldn't go then, it doesn't matter to her does it?"
"That's just it, I can't not go with her, half of my family already knows her and if she doesn't come that won't say good of her"

"Hmm" Thiana said, he did have a point, she sighed.

"Look Jack, Rapunzel seems like a nice reasonable person... So, if you tell her she won't mind"

"I don't know Thiana, being in that memorial...she may feel a bit odd and out of place"

"I understand but if she really loves you, she'll get it"

Jack sighed, this was why he loved coming to Thiana. She was the most sane person he knew and always talked sense into him, he loved their friendship and wouldn't do anything to ruin it. He looked at her, she was smiling at him.

"Are you okay?" She asked, Jack smiled.
"Yeah...thank you"
"Let's go, I have some cookies you can eat"
"You just get me" Jack said and they both walked in the house.

Hours later ------

"Emma, you're literally the last person we should be waiting for, what's taking so long?"

"S..sorry dad...I..I'll be right there" Emma stuttered from upstairs, Jack furrows his brows, his daughter only sounded like that when she was crying. He sighed, this was the third memorial and it's still hard for her. Soon enough she appeared from upstairs and just silently walked to the car, rapunzel was confused.

"Jack what's..."
"It's okay...let's give her some time, it is harder on her, they were so close after all" Jack said and Rapunzel nodded and they both left the house. The ride to the venue was a quiet, emotional one, a lot going through everyone's head but none like Rapunzel's. She hasn't felt so out of place in years, she was a bit hesitant to answer when Jack asked her to come but she knew it'd be good for both her, Emma and Jack. If she wanted to be in their family, she had to know a thing or two from the woman who was originally present for so many years.
Jack hardly spoke about Elsa and she understood why but anything he did, he'd get all nervous and apologize for no reason. Like the time he sleepily called her name while she woke him up, when he opened his eyes, he jolted up and apologized and avoided her a bit for the rest of the day.

Again when she was checking out outfits while he lazily used his phone one Sunday, she asked for his opinion on a sleeveless dress. He didn't even look up at her, he just sighed.

"Elsa, you know how I feel about a sleeveless...." He said then stopped and apologized.

"It's Okay Jack why..." She started before he walked out. Rapunzel frowned, she was kind of already getting pissed. She sighed as she remembered that day, she glanced at Jack driving, he was silent with an expressionless face. Rapunzel then wondered what would hold for her when they get to the memorial.

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