III. Enticed by the beautiful smile

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Ballpen, checked. Print-out of CV, checked. Valid ID, checked. Cellphone, checked. Earphones, checked. Wallet, checked. Handkerchief, checked. Presence of mind, checked. Everything's set and in my bag already. How I wish I could leave my nervousness here in my room.

"Gotta go, mom!"

"Alright. Goodluck, Enzey! Godbless."

It may sound cringey but it boosts my confidence, somehow. I walk speedily but with poise. I hate this attire combination, wearing a long-sleeve blouse tucked in a pencil cut skirt featuring the pointed high heels, but let's just hold on until we get there. I almost lose the seat because it affects my walk but nevertheless, I made it and I'm on my way to the office.

Earphones plugged in. As always, listening to your favorite music will never let you down especially when I'm listening to Mamamoo's Hwasa's voice. Her husky soulful voice makes me feel so relaxed as if there's no examination and final interview that awaits me. And now, it's IU's voice. Feels like I'm being swayed by her lullabies. I feel so sleepy. And with just one yawn, I easily feel asleep.

OHH~ Those veins look so sexy. What a manly arm to see. I didn't realize that two hours of travel passed by so fast. I hear someone's clearing his throat? Seriously! Have some water dude. Rather than scratching your throat that way.

"Ahm, excuse me."

Oh~ that modulation. What a nice voice. Am I dreaming or what? But wait, did just someone tapped my arm? My gally! I was leaning to someone I don't know?! Oh my gally! So embarrassing. Why should I do to make it more natural? Should I rub my eyes, stretch my arms then act as if nothing happened? NO! You will ruin your eyeliner. Or should I just lift my head to other side then act as if I'm still sleeping? Or should I---

"Excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt your sleep but I have to get off in the next bus stop." He said with a hesitant voice.

I opened one of my eyes to see through the window where I am already. I hope it's not yet the bus stop where I have to drop off. But..

"My gally! I need to get off!" I desperately pressed the buzzer and luckily, the bus stops. I hope I won't meet him ever again. Crossfinger.

It is so embarrassing~~~ Oh my gosh Enzey! What an embarrassment! So this is how you gonna cope up with your nervousness, huh? But let's just pray that we won't meet that guy ever again. Or else, you'll be a laughing stock!


So where is it again? Am I being lost? Based on the google map, it is somewhere around here. Luckily, Ms. Jeanne has a meeting to attend so the time for my examination has been rescheduled or else I'm already late. Where is it again? Here's the condominium that she mentioned as a landmark. But why can't I still found the office? I have no choice. I have to seek for help! Let's ask someone else.

"Excuse me, sir! Would you mind if I ask something?" ooh~ he looks so neat with that white polo shirt. But I think he's a bit weird. He keeps smiling at me as if we know each other. I know I'm quite attractive with this clothes and make-up but this is not the right time to think about that.

"Yes, ma'am. How may I help you?" And he's blinding smile flashes. He's somewhat cute but I'm 100% sure he's weird. There's something wrong about him.

"I was looking for ATLE Industries, Inc. Based on the map, it seems somewhere around hear but I can't see where is the entrance or their gate?" I asked despite of how weird he seems to me.

"Ah~ ATLE, you say? Did you see that wooden post? Turn left to tha---*chug chuuuug*" Annoying PNR train. Nice timing huh! Now, what?! All I heard was turn left then the rest is the sound of the train.

"Did you get it?" He asked. Actually sir, no. But since I have prejudice against you, I won't ask the same question again.

"Yes, somehow. Thank you." I smiled forcibly. But I am grateful, really. It's just that the train interrupts.

"Ey~ You seems like you're still at lost. If you don't mind, I'll lead you the way." And he smiled again. But this time, he doesn't look weird. He looks... cute. His dimples are so cute. And I just found out that.. he looks so..... handsome. He has a good built as well. He looks mascu--- Hey Enzey! Why are you describing him? Isn't he looks like weird to you a while ago?! Stop it, okay?

"No, sir! It's okay. I get it. Thank you for your kindness." I rapidly walk towards the direction he has mentioned, towards the wooden post. After that, I'll just ask somebody for the direction again.

Fortunately, I made it to the HR Office before the exam starts. I made it! And luckily, I nailed the examination and made it through the final interview. Finally! You made it Enzey! You're officially hired.

"How was it, Ms. Nathalie?" The beautiful employee in front of me asked. Is she Ms. Jeanne whom I talk to on the phone? She looks so slim and feminine. She moves sophistically. Her plump pinkish lips fit perfectly her fair skin. She also has a beautiful long curled lush. Her deep set eyes will be more emphasized if she will put some mascara and curled it up a little more. A little touch of liquid eyeliner or some black liner tight lines will be a great help as well. But her voice is too soft than to the person I talked to during the interview.

"I was quite nervous a while ago but I'm okay now. I guess. Thanks for asking, Ms. Jeanne." I uttered and smiled at her.

"I'm not Ms. Jeanne. She's still on the meeting right now that's why I'm the one who's assisting you. But anyway, it's good to hear that." She smiled back at me. She looks so... gorgeous. How can someone like her exists? It's so unfair. She's my total opposite. I look so... ordinary. Maybe when I'm with her, atleast. So the only solution to this insecurity is to stay away from her. Just kidding. Her beauty is so mesmerizing, even in the eyes of girls.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that ma'am. I thought you're the one who talked to me on the phone." I added.

"My name is Stephanie. But you can just call me Stephy." Ugh, those smiles. Why am I being enticed by the beautiful smile today? And why the heck am I still thinking about the smile of that guy? Seriously, Enzey!

"Oh! Nice to meet you ma'am Stephy." Then I reached out for a hand shake.

"Same here. Welcome to the family." Her hand is so soft and smooth. I guess she's like a princess in their house. Or maybe she came from a wealthy family and doing this job for fun or something.

"Anyway, you may report at 8AM on Wednesday. See you, then." And she smiles at me once again. Will you please stop doing that? I'm starting to feel insecure towards you.

"Thank you, ma'am. Have a great day ahead."

Finally! I'm officially hired. I'll be having myown employee ID. I'll be saying goodbyeto jobless me! Yeah!~

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