VI. Driving me crazy

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I can't help but to feel awkward with what happened. But he seems okay as if it was nothing. Actually, there's no big deal with that. So what if his hand brushed off against mine? And there's nothing wrong if his little finger touches mine. Do not overact Enzey. It's nothing, okay? Just shake it off.

But I can't help it, seriously. I can't even look on his side. I still feel awkward. I'm trying hard to act cool but I can't. What should I do? It's suffocating. Uhm~ right! Earphones! Let's plugged in my earphones and listen to music to avoid this awkward atmosphere. The best escape is to use my earphones. Yeah, right. What a brilliant idea, Enzey! I was browsing my playlist to choose what song should I listen when...

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked. Will you please stop talking to me? My cheeks are starting to blush again. I can feel the blood rushing through my face.

"Y-yeah. I'm okay." I shyly replied. What's with the stuttering Enzey! You're being way too obvious. Stop it, okay?!

"Are you sure? Your face has been reddish since a while ago. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" He was about to put his palm on my forehead so I automatically dodge it. But unfortunately, I....


"Ouch!" I uttered while scratching the back of my head. Oh my gally Enzey! What are you doing? What an epic fail. Why do you have to bump your head on the window while looking at him? Will you please save your face against this man?

"Hey~ What's wrong? Why are you hurting yourself?" And he started showing his eye smile and his entire front teeth as he laugh for what happened. I never thought that a guy laughing like a retard seal can be as handsome as him.

"Y-yeah.. I'm okay. Don't mind me." What an embarrassment, really.

Then he stopped laughing. I'm acting this way because you keep on hitting on me, okay? So will you please stop it? How I wish this bus could fly away so we can go home already.

Finally, I'm home. I feel so drained. Not because of my first day at work but because of all the embarrassments I had in front of Paul. Why am I acting that way? Such an idiot.

Its 9pm but I don't feel hungry. Maybe because I'm so full with all the embarrassment I had a while ago. How I can face him tomorrow? How could I act naturally in front of him? And why I do have to feel this way on someone like him? My gally, Enzey! I didn't imagine I could easily like someone like him. Or maybe I'm just infatuated because of his smile. Yeah, right. It's just an infatuation. It will eventually fade away if you won't mind it. Just forget about it. But how can I forget about it if the first person I need to talk to as I arrive at the factory is him? How? Tell me how?!?

Anyway Enzey, just eat and get ready to sleep. You have to wake up early tomorrow or you'll be late for work. Just shut your eyes off and you'll forget about it.


Fortunately, I timed in at 7:59am. Not bad. I thought I will be late because of the long queue in the terminal. Nevertheless, I shall start the day right and do rounds in the factory. But while I'm doing my rounds, I can see from afar that someone's smiling at me while he's walking towards me. Okay, Enzey. Act naturally. Be professional okay? He won't notice anything unless you'll act so obvious that you have a crush on him.

"Good morning, ma'am." he greeted as he smiles so brightly at me. Okay, heart... behave. Keep it cool. Please.

"Good morning." And I smiled back. Trying so hard to keep my cool.

"Are you feeling okay now?" Why do you keep asking if I'm okay, huh? Stop acting that way and I'll be okay.

"Yeah." I answered coldly. Or else, I'll start stuttering again. "Anyway, do you have any machine breakdown in your shift?" I asked, changing the topic. Nice one, Enzey! That was smooth~

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