2.Making Compainions

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"Love does not appear with any warning signs. You fall into it as if pushed from a high diving board. No time to think about what's happening. It's inevitable. An event you can't control. A crazy, heart-stopping, roller-coaster ride that just has to take its course."-Jackie Collins

"two strippers killed by, what seems to be, a group" hotch said over the phone while the rest of the team is on the plane heading to Fairbanks, Alaska. "this is his second kill, I believe. I'll give you guys more information when you get here." before anyone could say anything, he hung up. this case kinda gave me the creeps because the girls look a lot like my younger sister and she's my best friend. anyways, I was about a month into the BAU now. I come on missions so I can help them from with little issues. I get to still be in the field with them, but at the stations I'm Penelope's sidekick. coming on cases with the BAU is the highlight and the shadow of my months. some cases really shake me up, but Derek knows when I need a break and he walks around with me. we have really grown into best friends over these weeks, if only he knew. 

after a few days of just inches away from closing the case. I get a mysteries call from a spam, so I ignored it. the same number called again, I picked it up in frustration. "hello?" I asked, but no response. "it's so good to hear your voice. I'm going to cause so much mischief with you and your team." an edited voice said through the phone. I hanged up, now just annoyed. I didn't bother to fuss about it but still kept it in my mind.  

this case got difficult for me real quick. I ended up pulling the trigger and taking down the unsub. after Hotch gave me the ok to go home I sit back down at my temporary desk. that horrible feeling fills my stomach again. Derek puts his hand on my shoulder. "it's alright, Toni. I know it's hard but I wish I could tell you it gets easier." he stood there in silence watching me. I couldn't be in the building anymore so I brush past Morgan who tries to stop me. when I got to one of the black SUV's, I just sat there. my head in my hands. minutes pass. I hear the car doors open. through my glossy eyes I see Derek join me in the car. the two of us just sit there. but in his presence I feel better. he abruptly gets out of the car and runs over to the other side. "c'mon, get out." he says. "your going out with the team and I. I can't leave you alone tonight, not like this." I reluctantly exit and he drags me to the hotel to change my outfit, for the casino. as I sat there that horrible feeling went away and I feel safe sitting next to him on my bed. "thank you Derek. I really needed this." "I would do this in a heartbeat for you Toni. that's what friends are for." ouch. 

"straight flush." Derek placed his cards down with a cocky smile. "ouch" Emily held his hand to his  heart watching me, Spencer, JJ, and Emily playing poker. "looks like I win, like always." he went to reach for the pile of chips until I had something to say about that. "not too fast". he furrowed his eyebrows. I placed my cards and stole his cocky smile. "royal flush" Emily laughed and clapped Derek on the shoulder. "she has you beat!" I leaned forward and took all the chips to my pile. "looks like I win." the group erupted in laughter as Derek tried to wrap his brain around the situation. "being dealt a four-card royal flush is once every 2,777 hands. that's merely a string of luck." Spencer said. I took a few more shots to celebrate my win. everyone stood to grab their coats and Derek made one last remark before they left for the night back at the hotel. 

 "so, poker night  huh?" I leaned against the front door with a cheeky grin. Derek shook his head. "I hate you." "no you don't." I went to walk away but before I could pass him he grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him. his hands wrapped tightly around my waist and he pulled my body into his. "don't get all cocky on me. it was one win." I playfully giggled, running my hand on his stubbled head. "it's still a win." he went to kiss me but I pulled my head back. "nope, not with that attitude." his grip tightened and I knew he couldn't get away from him, not that I wanted to of course. "you didn't win so, you don't get a kiss" my drunk self eventually broke away from him and walked back to my hotel room down the hall. I heard him sigh behind me. when I reached my hotel room I heard him walk up behind me and move his hands around my waist, pushing me and him onto the bed. "I. Don't. Care. I. Want. My. Kiss." I giggled as he placed small kisses on my neck and jawline. I turned my head to look at him and couldn't help but smile. "please?" he pouted his lip. "what do you think my answer is going to be after today?" he searched my eyes and slightly frowned. "50/50 shot." his hand drew tiny circles on the small of my back. I chuckled and turned to fully face him. I cupped his face and pulled his lips to mine, butterflies immediately forming despite dreaming of this before. he moved his hand to cup my face, deepening the kiss. he bit my lip and dragged it before me pulling away. "sometimes we all get lucky." his face was slightly flustered and his eyes crinkled as he smiled. "I'll take it." we both moved to the head of the bed and the second I turned on my side he snuggled up behind me. "you're lucky I... love you." I said drifting off to sleep. "love you too." he kissed the back of my head and neck until I fell asleep. I truly hope I remember this in the morning. 

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