6. Ripping Seams

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"Tell your friend that in his death, a part of you dies and goes with him. Wherever he goes, you also go. He will not be alone." -Jiddu Krishnamurti

a few days later:

I step outside the car and see the address Garcia gave the team. it looked like a small rusty house, the grass was drained of its color, the paint on the house was starting to peel and it gave off a strong odor. "ok don't come in strong unless you need to, Toni and Emily: I want you to go up to the door and just ask questions, got it?" Hotch says. Emily and I both look at each other and nod, walking up to the front door Emily knocks. I hear footsteps coming from inside the house, "who is it?" it sounded like a really deep women's voice. I clear my throat and say, "FBI, can we have a minute to talk?" there was no response back and it started to get silent. I asked again but this time louder. I now started to hear loud footsteps almost like running coming from inside. "Emily, do you hear that?" Emily places her hands on her lips making a shushing sound, she twists the door knob and the lady was gone. 

I'm now yelling at the rest of the team to come out and scout the area, incase she was close. Derek spots another male a couple of feet away and starts chasing after him. I also start running as fast as I could, because I knew if I lost her there would be no lead on the case. the person I was chasing after was a female in her late 40's, black hair, wearing sandals, and a t-shirt with shorts. I was out of breath so I pulled out my gun and began to talk. "talk one more step forward and I'll shoot." the lady stop dead in her tracks and turns around. I quickly run up to her and put the handcuffs around her whispering into her ear "see if you simply just answered the door we wouldn't be here right now." I walked her back to the house and I see Derek with the other male in his late 50's, his hair was turning gray and he was wearing nothing but shorts. both of us place the suspects in two separate rooms back at the San Jose police department. 

"why did you start running?" I asked the female in frustration. "am I going to jail?" Rossi steps into the room with his cigar, "listen lady, we're not here to play games. just answer our questions and you can leave." she sighed "fine, what do you wanna know?". "we heard you guys were selling a fabric, specifically a red color." the lady rolls her eyes "umm yeah, we do. why?" Rossi begins talking "has anyone purchased it before." "why yes. if you go through the receipts in my mail box you can see. but we don't have that many buyers." I get out of the room to tell cops to get the mail box. they come back with 7 receipts, 6 of them coming from the initial "C". "hey guys come check this out." after saying that, it hits me. "C is my twin sisters name, Cara. she was the one that broke up my marriage." the whole team looks at me in disbelief. even I let out a huge gasp. 

Cara had become a hooker after I left to America. she decided to kill men that reminded her of my ex, and she specifically wore red. I feel somewhat numb knowing that my twin was a serial killer. she was pretty but not the smartest, Garcia found her location in like 5 minutes. Derek, Hotch and my SUV rolled up first. I was the first to enter the hotel room where she was on the balcony. I shooed off Derek and Hotch so I could talk to her. she was drinking champagne and slouching back in her chair. I took the seat next to her while she barely paid attention to me. she just kept on staring at into the obis, I started to talk but she shushed me. "don't you remember what mother said? it's rude to talk when someone is thinking deeply." she said still staring but not at me. "I remember. she also said that sisters are the greatest bond in the world. that we shouldn't tear each other apart because of stupid boys." she looked back at the obis. 

"what would happen if I killed you right now? I think I know." I rolled my eyes, she was always the dramatic one. "your new boyfriend would find your dead body and then kill me on the spot from rage. then the other guy would call paramedics and look away as the boy toy was holding you cold dead body in his arms, sobbing." I straightened my posture at the comments about Derek. "we can get you help. I know that this is hard, but I can help you." she looked at me with a devilish grin. "I have a better idea." she grabs my collar and holds a knife up to my neck. she yells for Derek and Hotch to come in. I will never unsee the look on Derek faec right now. "Cara, put the knife down." Derek yelled which only made her press the cold blade closer. "why should I? she had everything handed to her on a silver plater: perfect guy, perfect career, perfect everything. she was the 'better twin', and I was the slut who slept with her husband. she just needs to be gone!" I felt pressure and then it was all gone. my sisters dead body was laying next to me. 

Hotch was looking at Derek and now I was too. Emily and Spencer rushed in a few seconds after shots were fired. I stormed past them and went to the elevator. before the elevator could fully close, Derek stepped in and stood in front of me, I looked away. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. I need you... please say something." silence rang through the elevator until I popped. "Derek! if it was anyone else in my situation, would you have shot?" I yelled. he looked disgusted "the hell would it matter?" he shouted back. "Toni, I cared that it was you because I love you!" I stopped completely. "I couldn't bare to see you like that because I know that if you don't make it at the end of the day, I don't know if I will either!" I met his gaze and my eyes started to tear up. "you see me as weak. I'm not weak." I said. "what? no I don't. I just know that you need some help with stuff-" I raise my voice, "so you do think I'm weak? I don't need you! I don't fucking need you, so get out!" he presses the open door button, then leaves me with the face of pain. I fall to the floor as soon as he leaves. all he wanted to do was love and protect me, now I'm pushing him away. 

The Side No One Sees [Derek Morgan]Where stories live. Discover now