3. Small Memories

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"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Seuss

"remind me never to get drunk. ever again" I said mumbling while the alarm clock went off. the clock read 6:45. I get up and throw on some close from my to got bag and wake him up. as I'm getting ready, Derek keeps trying to get me to stay. "Derek we're going to be late!" I walked outside the front door of the hotel and wrapped a scarf about my neck. I started walking toward the last black SUV's left when I snowball hit my back. I scoffed and turned around, thinking it was some kid, but I was shocked to see Derek. "Derek seriously!" I yelled. he chuckled and crouched down to make another snowball. "no, no you won't." I bent down and quickly made a snowballs chucking it at Derek. "oh. it's on!" he threw one back at me and I started having a snowball fight. 

no one was really winning but I would like to think I was. after all, snowball fights are wars and wars have to be won. Derek rushed over and threw two snowballs at me. when I went to throw mine, he grabbed my arm and destroyed the snowball. "hey! that's not fair." he chuckled and hooked his finger under my chin and brought my lips to his. "I love you, Toni." he whispered. all the memories of last night came flooding back into my mind. oh, my, god. we're like dating now? too many details. I'll just enjoy this moment while it lasts. "now come on pretty lady. we're going to be late." he mocked. "you suck." I pushed him away as we both walked to the car. 

it was still dark later on the plane ride home, I was so exhausted from the snowball fight and the poker night that I almost fell asleep reading a book Reid recommended for me. I was sitting next to Derek. we were sharing earbuds, listening to music, as he was napping. when I was about to get up to get a nap of my own, he snuggled up closer into me. Emily took a photo of him and sent it to Garcia while holding her finger up to her mouth. I laughed. Derek opened his eyes and slightly groaned while telling Prentiss that her flash was on. he sat up and pulled his arm around me while pulling me in closer. I've never felt this type of way about someone before. my past engagement was for money for my family, no love was involved, just business. if this is what love is, please never let me fall out of it. 

when we got back to Quantico it was raining pretty bad. the rest of the team and I finished up some paper work from the case. I also had to have a meeting with Hotch and Strauss to ask if I could become an intern for the BAU instead of just Penelope. don't get me wrong, I love Garcia. I just get this rush when I'm in the field, that I can't get when I'm behind a desk. hotch will send in the paperwork first thing tomorrow. at the end of the day Derek asked me to come over to his place. it was common for me for us two to hang out. we clicked, not only on a sexual level, but on a friendship level. before leaving I saw him talking to Garcia. when she saw me her expression changed. huh. I didn't have an umbrella so before I ran through the rain he took off his jacket and covered my head. "run!' he yelled. we both made it to the car, laughing as I sat down. he drove me to his place and I immediately make myself at home. I can be myself around him, so I wasn't worried about his opinion. he loves me, that's all that matters. 

it was safe and warm there. I decided to have a movie night. he went to make the popcorn and I sat on the couch scrolling for movies. he came back and sat to the left with popcorn. I settled for a scary movie. "horror?" he questioned. I normally didn't like horror but why not? halfway through it got scarier. the popcorn sat on the coffee table for safety precautions. whenever I jumped he laughed at me. he reached his arm over my body pulling me closer. laying on him made me feel protected. I would sometimes catch him looking at me and not the movie. he would just smile. I gathered myself and looked at him. "what?" I smiled. "I'm just looking at you" I thought it was now or never. I can say it sober and with a clear mind. no alcohol and no whispers under my breathe, for real. "Derek I've been meaning to tell you-" he wasted no time and slowly lifted my chin and kissed me. I didn't resist and kissed back with the same with the same force. I could tell he was a little nervous. I slowly opened my eyes and met his. "did I guess it right?" he smirked and I laughed. his confidence was back. "yes, you did. I just wanted to say it when we were sober so it could be for real-" "baby I never drank that night. someone had to drive all of us home." and he gave me a peck. he pulled me even closer and I rested my head on his chest as it slowly rose and fell. we both cuddled the rest of the movie. 


sorry this one is shorter. they're so cute! thank you so much for reading! love you

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