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I woke up from Amanda shaking me awake "We're here, sweetie" I looked out the window to see we'd landed. I stood up and got off the plane. Harry already put my bags in the car. I got in the back seat as harry got in the driver's seat and Amanda in the passenger side. "Where are we going."

"I have a small cabin, but as for you, your dad bought you a penthouse for you."

"Yeah, I like my privacy."

He pulled the car out of the driveway and began to journey to my penthouse. I hope I'm not pregnant, but if I am, that's okay. I looked out the window at the scenery as it passed by as we drove. Italy is magnificent. I would love to live here one day, but we're not here for that were to train the car came to a stop Harry helped me bring my bags to the house putting everything by the front door he looked at me smiling "here" he said handing me three pregnancy test.


"Why you were busy daydreaming Amanda got those from the gas station."

"Thank you"

"you're welcome; you know my number if you need anything."

He hugged me one last time before leaving. I locked the door taking my bags to my room which took forever. I change into some comfortable clothes before walking into the kitchen to find something to eat, opening the fridge to find it empty. I mean, what Dow you expect from a new house? I guess I'm going shopping. I walked to the garage to see many cars. I chose a black Lamborghini, and I got in the passenger seat before relaxing; I have no idea where to go, so I called my dad.

"Hey pumpkin"

"Hey, dad, I need a favor."

"Sure, what is it"

"Where is the closet store."

He chucked before sending me the directions. I smiled before hanging up and driving to the closet store, which seems to be a market parking the car in the parking lot. I get out of the car; before locking it, I grab a cart and enter the store, going down the aisles, and picking up different snacks and food items. I got to the drink aisle and picked up different drinks to fill up the fridge; once I'm done, I pay for the stuff and walk out of the store, putting my bags in the trunk of the car. I closed the trunk and locked it taking the cart back where it belongs walking back to the car getting in the passenger seat, I backed out of the parking lot heading home to put all these groceries away 'yay!' If you can't tell, I'm sarcastic 'oh I can tell my wolf twilight says rolling her eyes.

I finally made it home. I parked the car in the garage, grabbing all the bags in one. I refuse to do more than one trip, but I still have to get 2 packs of water. I opened the door, put the groceries in the kitchen walked back to the car grabbing the water. I closed the trunk and locked the car went back to the house, placed the water on the floor, opened the pack of water, and put them in the fridge. I put all the groceries away, grabbed a fruit bar from the freezer, and walked into the living room only to scream when I see a woman sitting on my couch, "Who the hell are you."

"I'm Salvia. I'll be training you to be Alpha."

"Oh, I'm Olivia"

"Oh, I already know who you are."


"Your dad informed me you might be pregnant. Luckily, werewolf pregnancies only last 4 months; otherwise, I would be flying back to New York with you."

"I just hope I'm not."


"My mate rejected me; my baby won't have their mom."

"I know, but you have family who will be with you the baby every step of the way, well after you finish your training."

"Thank you"

"Mhm, now we need to find out if you're pregnant or not, so drink a lot of water, then pee on that stick, alright."

I groaned, rolling my eyes and walking into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and sat on the couch drinking it while watching one tree hill with Salvia dam Nathan's fine as hell; I wouldn't mind getting a piece of that action 'girl, shut the hell up we have a mate' twilight says growling 'yeah a mate who rejected us after getting what she wanted I say rolling my eyes 'look I know how it may look. Still, she'll come around 'sure she will,' I say, blocking her out.

I train my eyes back on the tv when I have the sudden urge to pee. I guess it's time for the big reveal. I walked into my room and got to the bathroom, grabbing the pregnancy sticks. I squatted on the toilet and peed on all three of the sticks; once I was done, I finish my business and put the sticks on a tissue waiting to see if I'm pregnant or not.

After waiting what seemed like forever but was only five minutes, I looked at the stick. In black words, it said pregnant all three of them say the same thing pregnant I was hoping I was wrong and asked Salvia to check. Still, she confirmed that I am pregnant since she can't train me physically; she's going to train me with my knowledge since a wolf needs to know everything and anything cause anything could happen.

I did a group chat texting mom, dad, Jenn, and Amelia. Here goes nothing

Olivia: Guess what

Mom: what

Dad: what my little doughnut

Jenn: what hoe (She's playfully saying this)

Amelia: What

Olivia: Dad, seriously little doughnut don't start, and Jenn, you're the hoe, anyways I'm pregnant.

Mom: Seriously, I'm GOING TO BE A GRANDMA


Jenn: That's great; if you need anything, don't call me, kidding; you call me for real

Amelia: I knew it. I said you were pregnant. I call dibs on god mom

Jenn: no, fair. I deserve to be a god mom

Amelia: as if

Olivia: Yes, Amelia, you can be the god mom, and Jenn, seriously you want to be god mom

Jenn: Well, no

Olivia: good, I got go by guys

Mom: bye

Dad: bye

Jenn: later, loser

Amelia: bye sis

I hang up the phone, sighing. I walk into my room, and lay down, feeling tired; I close my eyes, thinking about how Lauren, god, I miss her. I close my eyes to a dreamless sleep.   

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