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I woke up feeling all groggy and bewildered about how did I get here the last thing I remember is being in the car with Ren and Logan driving home I sat up stretching and cracking my bones. I turned to see Ren sleeping soundly I stood up walking into the bathroom I closed the door stripping out of my clothes. Once I was fully naked I turned the shower on making sure it was at the right temperature I grabbed my rag squirting soap on my rag. Once my rag was soapy enough I washed my body completely and did the same with my hair I turned the water off once I was done rinsing the soap off. Stepping out of the tub I wrap a towel around my body and one around my head I open the door and walked into the closet trying to figure out what to wear.

Once I was dressed I walked into my office working on our rouge problem I took a map out trying to figure out where they're coming from I circled red marks from where they were spotted and where other packs told me what areas they were spotted at I gasped realizing they're coming from here but how I took out another map of our castle looking for secret exits and passageways when I spotted something I have never seen a day in my life "Cece!" she came running in my office gasping

"Yes dear"

"Look at this," I said pointing to the rouge maps

"That's impossible right?"

"I found a cave of some sort about 2 minutes from here they may be there"

"What are we going to do"

"I need you to send some spies just to be sure what we're walking in on I don't want it to be an ambush"

"You're right I'll send our two most trusted men"

"Thank you, oh and Cece"


"I think we could look for your mate at Laurens kingdom"

"Her kingdom?"

"Yes she's the queen of werewolves"

"Thank you when all of this is over then I'll go look for my mate"


We were cut off when my door busted open growled angrily at the person who dared interrupt me I look to see Julian cowering away in fear "My Queen there are rouges"

"WHAT! how many?"

"There's too many to count"

"Okay sound the alarm get all the kids and woman who aren't able to fight to the safehouse"

"Yes my queen"

"Cece get Logan and take her to the safehouse with the rest of the kids. I'll get Lauren"

We rushed off with me going to my room and Cece going to Logan's room I opened my door to see Ren still sound asleep I quickly shook her awake she sat up rubbing her eyes smiling only to frown when she see panic written on my face "Love? What's wrong?"

"Ren there's rouges I need you to leave I need you safe I can't have anything happen to you"

"Baby girl I'm not leaving you I just contacted my pack my warriors will be here any minute now. Were in this together"

"Fine but the moment you get hurt I taking you away from the fight"


She quickly got dressed and followed me outside where my warriors were alongside Ren's warriors I stood in front of all of them with Ren by my side there seems to be about twenty of them but since Ren's men joined the fight there's about 50 of us since all of her warriors weren't here which she was angry about the leader who is a guy who looks to be Asian with black hair and dark brown eyes walk in front of us holding a little girl who looks just like him but it was creepy she looks a tad like me only tad not a lot but she looks just like him

"Well, well It's nice to finally meet you, Olivia"

"What who are you?"

"I'm Juan this little mutt I'm holding is Isabella"

I was shocked how could he call his own daughter that she deserves better she deserves a family someone who will love her properly "What is wrong with you?"

"A lot let's play a game shall we"


"Storytime, I'm the one who had you kidnapped you see I wanted one thing from you and I got by force"

"What are you talking about"

"I wanted you to have my baby but since that couldn't happen I kidnapped you and got my men to talk one of your eggs out of you once that was done I had my wife have your baby, but she died giving birth to this thing"

"You're saying she's my daughter"

"Indeed she is"

He smirked before throwing her at me like literally why would you throw a baby luckily with my fast reflexes I caught her just in time before she hit the floor I called Julian and had him take her to Logan I knew she would take good care of her baby sister

"So you just got her out the way which makes it easier for me to kill you"

"W-wait" his smile drops, he gasps in shock realizing his mistake

"Just out of curiosity what's her full name"

"Isabella Ruth James"

"Alright enough chit chat"

"any last words before we kill you," He says smirking

"May the best man or woman win"

I said before launching at him shifting mid-air while ripping my clothes dang this was my favorite outfit, oh well I'll just buy a new one I grab his neck using my teeth and clamp down not letting go I bite down harder until his body goes limp I look over to see Ren fighting as well I run over to the next guy biting his head off until I feel someone trying to mind link me

'My queen'

'Yes Julian'

'The safe house is surrounded by rouges'

'How many'

'about twelve, we can't fight them off by ourselves'

'hold them off I'm on my way'

I look up to see all the rouges dead I mindlink everyone to let them know what's going on we rush to the safe house before it's too late we can't let anyone get hurt especially the kids. We get there faster than expected and the scene was gruesome I see a rouge kill one of our warrior's blood splattered everywhere I immediately killed the rouge and began killing any and every rouge insight I shift back walking in the safehouse making sure everyone is okay. Once all the rouges were killed and everyone was okay Ren grabbed Logan and I grabbed Isabella we walked back home I laid Isabella down in Logan's room and took a shower washing all that blood off of me

Once I was showered and dressed I sat on the edge of the bed thinking how could have another daughter and not know about it I missed 2 whole years of her life. What kind of mother doesn't know they have a daughter in this world I'm a horrible mother I should have seen her grow but she knows nothing about me she doesn't even know I'm her mom for fucks sake I don't deserve the title as her mom how could I do this to my own child. I began pulling at my hair panicking thinking how a horrible mother I mad when Ren walks in rushing to my side she pulls my hands away from my hair gently fixing my hair holding my hand in hers

"Babygirl? What's wrong?"

"I should have known I have a daughter I should have been there. I'm a horrible mother if I should even be called that"

"Don't say that love you didn't know"

"But I should have known"

"How could you have huh"

"I-I don't know"

"Exactly it's not your fault love. it's that fuckers fault"

"You don't hate me"

"Now what gave you an idea like that"

"Because I have a daughter that's not yours"

"No love. I'm happy to have another daughter with my amazing mate who's an amazing mother to our daughter"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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