15|Dead or Alive

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"My Queen I'm sorry but she suffered extreme electrocution to her brain s-she I'm sorry she died on the table we couldn't save the luna but we were able to save the baby"

"Baby? what baby"

"She was pregnant"

"I want to see her"

"The baby?"

"The baby and my mate"

"Yes my queen"



"mama otay"

"Logi sweetheart mommy didn't make it"

"No, I wan mama"

"Logi we can see her one last time but she's dead"

"Wha bout granma and auntie and granpa"

"I'll make sure they get to see her too"

"Otay I see mama now"

We walked into the little hospital tent and walked to her room I stood outside her door taking a deep breath as a tear left my eye I lost my mate my love, my life, my one and only how will I move on from that how will I stay strong

"Mommy you ready"

That's how for her for Isabella and our other baby I stay strong for them I can't lose myself I have to be strong she would want me to be sad I'm doing this for my family. I took one last breath before opening the door I gasp seeing her just laying there lifeless her body cold her eyes closed the color from her draining slowly I can't see her like this she's can't be gone Logan jumped down from me running to her mom before holding her hand crying

"Don't leave me, mama I need you, mommy needs you"

"Hi beautiful I know you wouldn't want me to be sad so I'm staying strong for you and our babies I know you were pregnant and all the baby is fine and_"

I was cut off by the monitor beeping I panicked calling for a doctor to come here the doctor rushed in checking her vitals "How is this possible she was dead"


"She's alive but still in critical condition so she needs to be in the hospital until further notice"

"How is this possible"

"Well with Oliva being a hybrid she can heal much faster but due to her injuries she was put in a coma making us think she was dead when in reality her body was healing and with her being a witch it made her stronger and heal faster"

"Do you know if she's wake up"

"Based on her healing I'll say in a few days maybe in a few hours I'm not certain"

Cecelia, Ace, and Jennifer rushed in looking panicked Ace lifts Logan in her arms kissing her and tickling her causing her to go into a laughing fit "Nooo auntie Ace no more" I chuckled shaking my head

"Is she okay"

"Yes apparently she was healing herself she stopped her heart to do so but she's okay now"

"Thank god she's going to get it when she wakes up"

"I hear you on that"

It's been hours since Ace and her mates left they took Logan with them taking her to Amelia and Johns's house I hope everything turns out okay for them. Olivia's parents walked in smiling a little too wide for me "Hello" I spoke

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