Lauren Knight has everything she has ever wanted she has family,friends, a pack she's even Alpha but one mistake leads to more mistakes a drunken mistake at that she finds her mate but only ended up using and rejecting her making her regret everythi...
"yes my love," Lauren asks turning to face me were laying down in bed it's been a week and I'm fully healed I'm going to finally see logan today I'm so excited but I feel some things off about my body like somethings missing
"Are you up"
"I am now what do you need"
"I need to go to the doctor"
"Why what's wrong"
"I know this is going to sound weird but something seems missing from my body I know I know it's stupid but I feel empty without it I_"
She grabbed my hands stopping me from talking "Love when I found you they said you were pregnant they save the baby but I haven't seen or know the gender of the baby"
"It has been a week Lauren why didn't you tell me!"
"I wanted to tell you but I wanted to wait until you were fully healed"
"That's not the point you could have still told me"
"You're right love I'm sorry"
"Can we got meet him/or her"
"sure love but let's shower first"
"do you want to shower together"
"Then that's what we'll do"
After we finished getting ready we were now ready to go see the baby but I'm so fucking nervous I don't know what to do will the baby look like me or like Ren or a mix of both of us I hope it's a boy I really want a son to spoil but I don't care if it's a girl I just hope the baby is healthy
"So where are we going"
"I set up a nursery for the baby"
"Will you tell me the gender"
"Nope you'll find out soon"
We walked hand and hand to a room which was right next to our she wanted to be able to protect the baby just in case if something happened she moved Gracie and Ruthie's room to next to our so we can be safer she's a little paranoid if you ask me. We stopped outside the door looking at each other
"Are you ready"
"What if she doesn't like me"
"What if the baby is a he"
"I'm sure she's a girl"
"The baby is going to love you"
"That just means we get to try again for a boy"
"You just saying that turns me on right now"
"I'm ready"
"You sure"
"Yes let's do this"
She opened the door with her other hand since I was holding her left hand with my dear life as soon as she opened the door I gasped the nursery is perfect it's all I ever wanted in a nursery I just love this woman the nursery was pink in white with pink roses around the name I just fell more in love with Ren
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Walking up to the crib I gently pick her up smiling widely her eyes opened slightly blinking a couple of times trying to adjust to the light I kissed her cheek before breathing in her scent I'm going to spoil her rotten her little hand clutched onto my shirt
"What her name"
"Avery Rose"
"It fits her perfectly"
Our moment was lived short when the door was slammed open by Zack looking panicked and scared I wonder what spooked him so badly to come here
"My queens" he bowed
"What's going on," Ren asked slightly annoyed due to being interrupted
"Um Olivia your parents escaped we can't find any trace of them they could be anywhere by now"
"Did you search the pack grounds"
"We did and there was no trace of them but we did found a note it had your name on it" He handed me the note before leaving
I look at Ren smiling slightly trying to put on a brave face for her but I know she can see through it all she knows I'm in pain I mean their my parents, of course, I'm going to be hurt that they could do something like that to Oliver then leave without a goodbye but I understand why they didn't say bye Ren would've killed them
"Baby girl are you okay"
"I-I t-they were m-my parents Ren what am I going to do without them"
"We'll figure this out together but they hurt Oliver I refuse to let them anywhere you or the kids"
"I know"
I look down at Rosie seeing her face scrunch up in discomfort she began to pout her hands bawling in a fist as she lets out a cry her legs kicking her hands go into her mouth she began sucking on her thumb with her eyes closed
"We should feed her"
"We should"
"Can you, I haven't seen the kids yet and I miss them"
"Sure my love, go I'll take care of Rose"
I Handed Rose to Ren kissing Rose I pulled Ren to me smashing my lips to hers careful so I don't hurt Rosie I let go slightly pecking her lips one last time before walking to Logan's room I stood by her door until she looked up seeing me she jumped up running to me crying
"Mama, Mama! you back"
I picked her up smiling I held her close to me as she cried in my neck she began sobbing and holding onto me tightly like she's scared if she lets me go I'll disappear I rub her back soothingly until she calms down
"Yes Gracie mama's back"
"You no leave again"
"I promise I won't ever leave you again"
"I missed you, mama"
"I missed you too darling" I kissed her cheek before setting her down and going to Rosie who was busy playing with Blocks to look up at me so I gently lift her in my arms I laughed as she squealed she gasped clapping her hands before hugging me
"Mama bwack"
"Yes Ruthie I'm back"
"Where's Oliver"
"Him wit Aunite Cece," Logan says smiling
I got the kids dressed and bathed for bed we all sat down and had a peaceful dinner it was like everything is finally back to normal after dinner was over we put the kids to bed gave Rosie a bath and fed her some warm milk once she was asleep we got dressed and ready to finally wind down