Freddy x soulmate! Reader

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Testing things out with this one there might me a part too might not it kinda leaves off on a cliff hanger lol.

Warning: Sort

(S/H/T)~ means she/her, he/him, or they/them.

You have a mark on your hand where your soulmate will touch you for the first then once they do it goes away.

Y/n's POV:

"Please do tell why the fuck you thought it would be a good idea to bring a dream demon into the real world?" I shout the question at my best friend (B/F/N). "In my defense I didn't think that it would work." (S/H/T) says running along side of me. We can still hear Freddy chasing us through the abandoned building. "And you still wanted to risk it! Remind me why we are friends?" I say as (S/H/T) look over at me quickly.

"Because you love me and I'm the only sense of amusement you have in your dull ass life." (S/H/T) say blowing me a kiss while giving me the finger. To busy bickering we fail to notice Freddy right in front of us, so we slam straight into him falling on the ground. It was honestly like hitting a brick wall on a bike.

My bff must have recovered quicker cause by the time I got up they were gone. Disappeared into the night like a phantom. "That person is your only amusement that's sad even I have more amusement than that." He says lifting me up but he doesn't try to hurt me. Just then I notice my soulmate mark is gone. Freddy Fucking Kruger the sleep demon is my soulmate, great.

"Your comming with me back to my home now you don't get a choice." He says grabbing me and teleporting somewhere. "Hey dude I have a life there. I have family and friends that love me and will miss me." I shout as he throws me on a bed in a boiler room.

"One your loud as fuck lower your voice, two your only amusement is one person, three did I ever say that you could never go back? I may be a prick and an ass to everyone else but news flash sweetie your my soulmate I'm not gonna be like that to you." He says looking frustrated. "Well what the hell am I supposed to think. You took me from everything that I know and love and are forcing me to live here. In a place I don't know with a man I don't know." I shout slamming the door that appears to be the bedroom door.

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