Michael Myers x Reader (kinda 18+)

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So the reason this one is kind of an 18+ is because there is build up to the spice and it's implied that smut does happen.

Requested: Yes

Y/n's POV:

"Who the hell does he think he is leaving me alone all the time to clean up his messes and do everything else around the house while he goes and stalks his victims. Honestly I'm not asking for much just a little alone time with my boyfriend!" I rant as I clean more blood off of the floor. In the past two months I've only seen Michael for maybe 3 hours in total enough for him to track blood into all over the house and change old clothes to new clothes that's it.

This shit is going to end today I am going to tell Michael how I feel about how his actions recently. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear, Michael we need to talk. Are you staying home tonight?" I tell him as soon as he comes into view of the living room doorway. He just stares at me for a moment nodding then walks to the bathroom to take a shower. "Don't you walk away from me this is serious. Michael Audrey Myers open the damn door." I shout knocking on the door, I can hear him huff inside before the door unlocks. By the time I get into the bathroom he's already in the shower.

"All I ask is that you at least listen to how I've been feeling. Will you do that for me?" I ask him he sticks a thumbs up out of the shower briefly before letting me continue. I close the lid on the toilet before sitting down on the lid. Taking a deep breath to collect my thoughts before continuing I put his mask in my lap tracing the lines all over it. "I feel like I never get to see you anymore your never here. Your always out stalking your next victim. The only time I get to see you is when you come in to change your clothes then your gone again. Michael I haven't seen you for even 3 hours in the past two months." I pause to wipe away the tears from my cheeks.

I hadn't even realized that I had started to cry until I seen them drip onto his mask. Michael shuts off the water reaching out to grab a towel to try off after that he puts on his pajamas on before stepping out. "It's like you don't love me anymore." I start to rant again but he stops me by kissing me on the lips. Then he kisses both of my eyes, it's his way of saying don't cry. He uses his thumbs to wipe the few remaining tears that leak out before picking me up. He picks me up before carrying me to our bedroom.

Once in our bedroom he gently lays me on the bed laying to where his head is on my stomach. He nuzzled into me before starting to trace on my thigh. 'I'm sorry. I'll be here more often, I love you and I always will.' He traces kissing my stomach multiple times. "I forgive you just don't do it again." I tell him as he starts to kiss his way up my stomach to my lips. We kiss for a while when he moves down to my neck. He starts to softly press himself up against me trying to get some relief from the pressure in his pajama pants. Slowly and gently he removes our clothes before making love to me for hours.

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