𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑬𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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The next day had arrived, school had finished, and I was in the girls changing room. I was expecting the boys to be awkward around me or just ignore me, but I couldn't blame anyone. It was my fault. Once I was in my manager uniform, I walked towards the gym. The feeling of regret flooded me, but I had to do it. I can't get any more close to them.

Opening the door slowly to not disturb the boys, however, when I was fully in the gym, someone shouted my name followed by the sound of feet drumming on the floor. Turning around to see the team gather around me, they bowed their head as I began to panic. "We are sorry" shocked by the sudden apologies, Kuroo stood on the side looking at the scene as if he were a proud parent. "Why?" I moved around them so I could put my bag down and like a group of kittens they followed behind me.

"Kuroo told us what really happened when you became our manager" Yaku spoke out from the crowd, "we're all very sorry for how we reacted yesterday, please forgive us." They bowed once more as Kuroo walked over to me, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder "we'll understand if you don't want to be our manager." Letting out a small smile of gratitude, "but that won't stop us from persisting you to stay!" Fukunaga shouted out with a bright smile, "we just got you, don't think we'll let you go that easy" Yamamoto called out before the boys began to smirk. I could feel something was gonna happen, "get her!" Kuroo shouted as they all ran to me, arms wrapped around me. "Team hug!" Lev yelled out.

Being surrounded by all of them, I felt like I would cry, and I did. Letting my tears fall as some boys began to laugh before they finally let me go. Wiping my tears away with my back towards them so they wouldn't see me, "just get back to practice" I shouted as I held in my cry. I had never felt so welcomed before, they accepted me with open arms. A shadow hovered over me, glancing up to see the captain "what do you want?" He smiled down at me before wiping a stray tear away, "you could always stay our manager, no one is stopping you." Shaking my head as the tears stopped, "I want to, but I can't." He didn't say anything else and ran over to the others to start practice.

That was last week, my worries about them acting weird around me were gone. However, a new fear had arisen. I didn't want to stop being their manager, but there was nothing I could do. It was the right thing to do.

Tomorrow was the day of the practice match, and I was getting excited. (Y/N), Hina dinner!" mum yelled from downstairs, I opened my bedroom door to see my sister had done the same. Our relationship hadn't changed, we still didn't talk much, and I didn't know why. When we were younger, we used to be so close, but then one day, it all changed. Hina just stopped talking to me and closed herself off. It was worse now ever since she found out I was the manager instead of her.

Glimpsing over at her as we all sat around the table while mum handed out the food, everyone quietly ate their food. The food was amazing, the flavours danced around my mouth before swallowing it. Mum studied both of us with a disheartening expression before speaking, "what happened?" Everyone gave mum their attention, "when you were little, you were so close, but now as you grow up, the distance between you keeps growing." Letting out a sigh as Hina stood up, grabbing her plate "that it, we just grew up." Her answer may have seemed straightforward, but I could tell there was more to it.

Dad cleared his throat before peering over at me with a soft smile, "so tomorrow is the trip. Are you excited?" I shook my head, "not really but I'm kinda interested to see if they'll win or not" I lied to them only to not get their hopes up. Dad really wants me to make friends, and I just didn't want to hurt him, "it seems like you're enjoying yourself there" mum spoke softly as I could feel Hina's eyes on me. "I wasn't supposed to be the manager. It was a mistake, Hina was going to be the manager" our parents immediately looked at her in shock.

"But you don't like sports" dad questioned with confusion but studying Hina she looked like she was ready to explode, "and she isn't allowed to play sports!" She pointed at me before walking out but stopped as she looked down at us, "I thought at least at school I could. Nevermind" Hina stopped what she was saying as she carried on her way to her room.

No one said anything but looking at both of their expressions, it seems like they knew what she was talking about. It was like I was out of the circle.

After I finished eating, I helped mum with the dishes before walking up the stairs. Dinner had become quiet and awkward once Hina had left. Once I made it up, she was there waiting for me leaning against the wall watching me as both my feet landed on the floor. I stood in front of the stairs, and it looked like she was ready to push me down. However, I moved away from the stairs for my safety that I was now opposite from her. "You've taken everything from me, (Y/N) ever since we were little" I had a feeling what she was talking about as I carried on listening to her, "if you have any pity for your twin sister." She paused before stepping closer to me.

"Stay away from Kuroo!"

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐫 (𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨 𝐓𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now