𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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Kuroo's POV

Finally, we arrived at our destination, and everyone stood up, rushing out of the rush. The team was full of excitement to be having a match against an old rival. Noticing (Y/N) struggling to take down her bag, I helped her, but she didn't complain this time. After that journey, I felt like we had grown closer; however, she still had her walls up, blocking anyone from getting in. Occasionally, she would slip up, and a crack would show.

Stretching my body after the whole Lev situation, I was too distracted with annoying (Y/N) that I hadn't noticed the boy missing. Glancing over at our manager, she seemed a bit pale, but I didn't ask as it could have been because of how long we were on the bus. But maybe I should ask her, turning to the side to ask Kenma's advice when I noticed he wasn't there. "Kenma's missing. I'm gonna go get him!" I yelled out as they stopped their advancement.

Kenma texted me his location, and I quickly found him, bringing him back to the rest of the team as we carried on to the school. Once we arrived, we all lined up as we shook hands with the opposite team. (Y/N) had been on her phone texting someone, maybe a boyfriend. Feeling intrigued, I began to lean over to try and get a look, but she was quick to detect me as she turned her phone off. "Did you not know curiosity killed the cat" she narrowed her eyes at me as I let out a heavy sigh; I didn't understand it, but it bugged me not knowing.

Suddenly, these two boys appeared out of nowhere and began hovering over (Y/N) with heart-shaped eyes, "you're really pretty," the shorter one blushed at our manager. She looked so uninterested in what the boys were saying, the bald one hit him "not as much as Kiyoko." I wonder who this Kiyoko girl is; she must be their manager. (Y/N) carried on being silent as Yamamoto stepped in, blocking our manager from the boy's view. "Stay away from our manager," laughing silently on the side, he could barely talk to her but yet he was protecting her.

"You don't want her; she's too cold," resting my arm on our manager's shoulder, putting my weight on her as I leaned against her. She pushed me away quickly as if proving my point and began walking away, ignoring us all. There she goes building up her walls again, not letting any of us in. "She's also very sour," I spoke as I observed her walk off; I suddenly felt like something was wrong.

I was talking to the captain of Karasuno before an attractive girl came running towards us. She looked concerned, "are you the captain?" she asked me as I nodded my head, "I think (Y/N) is sick; she ran to the bathroom." I knew she looked pale, but I thought she would be fine. "Where's the bathroom?" She gave me the directions, and I ran.

I spotted the girl's bathroom, slamming the door open, scanning for any sight of (Y/N). "(Y/N), are you here?" hearing something further in, walking  more to see her back towards me, "stay away!" She shouted at me, but I didn't listen as she began coughing into her hand. The echoes of my footsteps bounced around the room, "please, Kuroo! Don't come near me." (Y/N) begged me, but I carried on walking as she tried to rush into one of the bathroom stalls, but I stopped her as I grabbed onto her wrist. I pulled her arms towards me, and that's when I got a look at her hands. A gasp escaped me as I let go in shock.

"Why is there blood on your hand?"

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐫 (𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨 𝐓𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now