/ surround by little kids /

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We got home at 7 p.m. with the Hemsworth's, the Downey's, Ruffalo's and Scarlett's daughter as soon as I got home I decided to get a shower, so I excused myself and headed to my bathroom, when I got back down I found all of the kids on the floor playing with the trains, and when I got in Mike said: 

"Lu, wanna play with us?"

I sat down next to him and said: 

"Yeah, tell me what I have to do"

I spent the next hour and a half playing with them and I really had a lot of time, until the doorbell rang and Dad went to open it, I kept my eyes on him and I so I saw how he froze when he opened the door, and anger appeared in his eyes, I hear a voice that I quickly recognised, Lucas's one, so running I get over to where  they were and grabbed Dad by the arm and told Lucas:

"Heyy, ¿qué haces aquí?" / "Heyy, what are you going here?"

"Pasaba por aquí y pensé que querrías verme" / "I was walking by and I thought you wanted to see me"

I smiled at him, went over to where he was and gave him a hug and told him:

"Claro, ¿quieres pasar?" / "Of course, do you want to come in?" I ask him.

He didn't answer right away, instead he looked at my father and said with a smile:

"Nah, me voy, solo pasaba para decir hola" / "Nah, I'm leaving, I was just passing by to say hi" he told me 

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and left, when Dad closed the door I didn't even stayed to see if he wanted to tell me something, instead I ran up to my room and locked myself in.

Chris P.O.V.:

I was going to set on the porch when the doorbell rang, so I stood up again and went to open the door, I thought it would be the pizzas we had ordered, but when I opened the door I saw Lu's friend, the boy one, I looked at him without saying anything and I let anger come over me I was going to say something to him when I felt how Lu came over and took my arm, they started to talk in Spanish and in one point of the conversation the boy looked at me and I gave him a dead look, making him go, but at the same time that the boy left, so did Lu, she ran up to her room, I sighted, knowing that maybe I had been too hard on her, so I got up to her room, wanting to talk to her and I knock on the door.

Normal P.O.V.:

I was in my room, laying on my bed looking at the ceiling when I heard someone knock on the door, I sat down on my bed and asked: 


"Princess, is me, can I come in?"

I groan and laid again on the bed while I hugged a pillow before I answered:

"Yeah, come in"

When he came in I was facing the window, so I wasn't looking at him when he came into my bedroom, he sat down on the bed, in the space I have left empty and sighted, he only sighted, and then for a couple of more seconds there was only silence, and since I was starting to lose my patience because I wanted to talk with him I told him:

"You know that I didn't like what you did right? He's only a friend, and I am allowed to have friends right?"

He laid on the bed next to me and looked to the ceiling without saying anything, then he turned to me and said:

"Of course you are honey, I don't know, I was just afraid I'll lose you again, this time to another boy"

When he said that tears came to my eyes and I turned around to give him a hug, I hugged him tightly, he hugged me back and kissed my forehead:

"Don't leave me Dad"

I heard him cry harder and then he said:

"I would never do that ever again, I promise princess"

"Okay" I replied crying too.

We talked for the next half an hour, and when we were ready we got down again we found that the kids were now on the living room eating pizza:

"Lu!" I hear Mike say, I look at him and he says "There's your favourite pizza, four cheese pizza!!"

It was in that moment when I realised how hungry I was, so I let go of Dad's arm and ran to the couch to sit down next to Mike, I got a plate and placed on it a slide of pizza, I laid on the couch and Mike placed himself on my chest, he yawned and I played with his hair until he fall asleep, I looked around to see that the rest of the kids were asleep too, so I stood up and placed all of them in different parts of the sofas.

I got outside to see all of the grownups talking, then Mom sees me, smiles at me, then I hear Elsa asks:

"¿Dónde están los niños?" / "Where are the kids?"

"Durmiendo en los sofás" / "Sleeping on the sofas"

Elsa looked at me with her eyes wide open and told me:

"¿De verdad?" / "Really?"

I nodded with a smile on my face and sat down next to my Mom. Fifteen minutes went through and then Chris Hemsworth said:

"Well, we need to get doing" he stood up as well as the rest of us, he approached Dad and shocked his hand while saying "Evans, thank you very much, I don't know what Lu has done but I'm very thankful to her for tiring my kids"

"You're welcome Hemsworth, come over anytime"

He smiled and said: 

"Sure, will do"

They headed to the living room, got their kids and after saying goodbye they left, and we headed to sleep as well, Dad got Mike from the couch and placed him on his bed after changing him into his pyjamas, I said goodnight to them and went to sleep when my head touched the pillow 

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