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Asahi wasn't sure how he ended up in this situation exactly. But between the grinning Sawamura, and the snickering Sugawara, he knew whatever it was they were doing couldn't be right.

"Aaand… Sim swap done!"

Asahi watched Suga raise his phone in the air, throwing a peace sign over to Daichi, who sent him a nod of approval. He raised both hands in surrender. "Uh, guys… I really don't think this is a good idea." He froze at the look both men sent his way; flinching when Suga pointed an accusatory finger at him.

"Oh come on! You can't back out now. Not when everything's all set!"

Asahi opened his mouth to reply, but he could tell any argument from him would be ignored. He brought his hands down, sighing as his form slumped in defeat. This was supposed to be a three-day, two-night get away for the third years of Karasuno volleyball club in celebration of their graduation. But instead of enjoying the open air hot springs once more after dinner, he was forced by both men to head back to the room.

Asahi glanced down at the dark green yukata he donned. It was such a waste. They were in the mountains full of wonderful scenery – fresh crisp air, stars as far as the eye could see, fireflies buzzing about in their golden glory. But here they were, cooped up in their room at eight in the evening. And for what reason?

"I say we start with Nekoma."

"How about Shiratorizawa? Or we could go with Seijoh?"

"I got the Miya twin's info online!"

"Oh, Inarizaki! Not bad."

Asahi watched the captain and vice-captain of his team argue about who they would be messing with first. He sighed again. When Suga first revealed his plan, he thought it was ridiculous and expected Daichi to side with him. But a few choice words from the silver-haired fox make the otherwise responsible captain throw caution to the wind.

"In the entirety of your three years in high school, have you ever gone against the rules? Are you serious?! You've never broken a single rule?!"

And just like that, Suga roped Daichi into this elaborate prank of his. A last hurrah so to speak. Asahi scratched the back of his head, still apprehensive about the whole idea. It was one thing to prank call or text someone, but it was another thing entirely to pose as a person confessing romantic affections towards the members of their volleyball team rivals.

"Guys… I honestly don't think-"

"Shhh! Asahi quiet down for a moment." Daichi called out as he and Suga scribbled names on pieces of paper.

"What are you guys doing?"

"We're leaving it to chance." Suga answered, his eyes never left the heavy scratches he made on the old parchment. Asahi could tell it had been taken from the complimentary notepad the inn left out for its guests.

Folding them into identical squares, Suga scooped them all in his palms, shaking them excitedly before dropping them back onto the tatami floor. "Asahi, you pick!"

Asahi paled at the order, glancing quickly towards the sliding door, silently planning his escape. He wanted nothing to do with this, and he really didn't need another weight on his conscience.

"Asahi." Daichi's commanding tone chilled the blood in his veins. He could tell that the captain saw through his attempted prison break. He was unlucky enough to pick the futon lodged between both men – Daichi by the door to the hallway, Suga by the door to the outdoor garden. He didn't think his sleeping position mattered earlier, but now he realized how big of a mistake it was. He grumbled. He really didn't want to do this.

"Just pick one!" The smaller man insisted, nudging him by the ribs.

Asahi grabbed his side in pain. "Why do I have to be the one to pick?"

"Because you haven't done a thing to help! Daichi bought the new sim card, I scoured information, and you have yet to contribute!" Suga hurriedly stood up from his futon to grab something from his bag. He pulled out a piece of paper, flailing it in the air in annoyance. "You had one job! Compose a believable love confession!" He crumpled the piece of paper, aiming it right onto the long-haired man's head. "This is crap!"

Asahi glanced at his discarded work of poetry. He was up all night trying to figure out the workings of the mind of a normal teenage girl! How could Sugawara be so mean?

Asahi watched Daichi smoothen the wrinkled paper, scanning its contents as quickly as he could. Perhaps Daichi would- He squeaked at the sight of his hard work being torn into shreds.

"Let's draft a new one." Daichi concluded flatly, standing up to grab another piece of paper from the inn's free notepad.

Asahi could only look on in shock at the dismissal of his work of art. Just how many drafts did he write down before he finally settled on that final one? And he had been so proud!

Sensing both men settle back down on their futons – Suga with his phone, and Daichi with a pen and paper – Asahi felt caged once again. There was no escaping his fate.

"Hurry up!" Sugawara insisted once again, pushing him by the shoulder towards the tiny folded pieces of paper on the floor. Asahi could see his torn work scattered with the rest of them.

"Can't you guys just keep me out of-"

The sudden change in both men's auras shut Asahi up. It seems they were more than done with all his whining. He quickly reached for a piece of paper, handing it over to the captain as if it was the most precious thing on earth. He bowed in offering.

Daichi plucked it off his grasp, unfolding it wordlessly. He grinned, turning the paper over for them to see.

Suga grinned. "I knew we should start with Nekoma!" Flipping through his phone, his grin widened at the sight of the contact details that belonged to their main rival team. Oh, this was going to be fun!

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