{They're just Children! - Chapter 8}

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Everyone was taken by surprise when Ranboo jumped up, ran to Tommy, and pinned him against the wall with a hand tightly around his neck. The strawberry-blonde was barely able to react, and felt an oncoming panic attack.

"This is all your fault, Tommy!" The Enderman hybrid roared, Tubbo and Sam jumping up from the couch, "We were happy! Until you ruined it for us!"

"Why can't you do anything right, you weak arse?!"

"Ranboo let go of him!"

"Stop! STOP!"

Tommy didn't stop the tears that came out of his eyes, his grip on the older's arm loosening as black dots swirled in his vision. He can't breathe. Everything is so foggy.

"W-Wil," The strawberry-blonde whimpered breathlessly, "I'll do it right... d-don't hurt me,"

The hybrid seemed to finally snapped out of the trance at the use of the dead player's name, and looked at Tommy with horror. He let go, the boy dropping to the floor, heaving breaths through his open mouth. Ranboo looked down at his hands, greenish tears swelling in his eyes. He looked back at Tommy, Tubbo and Puffy rushing forward as he still gasped and coughed, pleading as if the sadistic man was alive and still standing in front of him.

"I-I didn't... I didn't mean it! I swear! I promised! I s-said I could never hurt you!" Ranboo yelled, choking back sobs.

He dropped to the floor, hiding his face. Sam moved to the floor, hugging the teen as he let out broken sobs. The creeper hybrid whispered reassurances to Ranboo, gently rocking them as he did. Tommy was curled in a ball, hands on his head as he whimpered about the room being too echoey, Tubbo hugging him tightly.

"Toms, you're at home! Not there! You're safe!" The brunette said, trying to keep his voice calm as he desperately tried to pull his friend back to reality, "He's not here! He can't hurt you!"

"Too... loud," The strawberry-blonde whimpered again, still ignoring the other.

Puffy quickly stood and ran upstairs, going into the boys' room. She spotted the cow plush he had brought with him next to Tubbo's stuffed bee, and swiftly grabbed it. She ran back downstairs, and kneeled in front of the crying teen.

"Hey, Tommy, I brought you something," The sheep hybrid said softly, holding out the stuffed cow.

The strawberry-blonde looked up after a moment, seeing the plush. He shakily reached out to it, gingerly taking it from Puffy's hands.

"There you go. Do you like it?" She asked as if talking to a young child.

Tommy slowly nodded his head, lowering his knees so he was sitting criss-crossed, and hugged it. He closed his eyes, seeming to be at ease, and the sheep hybrid sat next to him and put an arm around his shoulders. Tubbo loosened his grip, scooting away so that he now sat in front of his friend.

"What's its name?" The brunette asked.

Tommy opened his eyes, and by the looks of it, he had come back to reality. He looked down at the plush, then up at Puffy, and finally looking at his friend.

"Henry," He said.

Tubbo smiled at him, and held out his hands to the younger. Tommy set the cow plush down in the space between his legs, and held out his shaky hands to hold his friend's. He looked up at the brunette, and took a deep breath, exhaling after a few seconds.

"Are you alright?" Puffy asked.

Tommy nodded. From across the room, sniffles were heard. They looked over there, and saw Ranboo leaning against Sam, still curled into a ball with his face hidden in his knees. The strawberry-blonde stiffened at the sight. He wanted to go over and hug him, to say everything would be okay. But that would be a lie, and Ranboo hurt him; physically and emotionally.

"Shh, it's okay, Ranboo," Sam said softly, trying to calm the Enderman hybrid.

He sniffed, slowly looking up. He looked directly at the strawberry-blonde, his eyes still slits. Tommy was taken aback, and he stood up with Tubbo, still holding his hands. Ranboo slowly stood up, still looking at the younger teen.

"You hate me,"

Everything became silent. The younger teen looked at the ground, closing his eyes. The Enderman hybrid looked at the others.

"You all hate me,"

With that he teleported away. The purple smoke dissipated after a moment, only showing Sam still sitting on the ground. Tommy finally looked up, eyes wide at the spot. He took a step forward. Then another, until he practically ran and collapsed at the spot Ranboo was moments before.

"Tommy?" Tubbo asked, surprised.

The creeper hybrid crawled over to the boy, bringing him into a hug.

"I can't lose anyone else! I just can't!" The strawberry-blonde cried.

With the statement, he pushed Sam away, standing up and running out of the house. The sun was high in the sky, showing that it was almost noon. He ran through the forest near their home, screaming the Enderman hybrid's name in hopes that he didn't go far.

"Ranboo!" He screamed again, collapsing onto the ground.

It felt hopeless. Because of him, Dream found them, Ranboo wasn't coming back, and they were falling apart at the seams.

"I'm a dumbass," He whimpered, "I ruined everything,"


"Yes, you did,"

They're just Children! {REWRITING!}Where stories live. Discover now