{They're just Children! - Chapter 12}

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The midnight battle (part 1)


Eleven fifty-six p.m.

The three teens were changing into the clothing they would be wearing in battle. Black sweatpants and hoodies to blend in with the night. Their chestplates would give them away, of course, but that's something they'll have to deal with. Tommy had a quiver of arrows with the rest of his supplies in his bag, his bow slung over a shoulder, and his sword in its sheath on his hip. Tubbo had the Axe of Peace (of which Tommy stole from Techno and gave it to his friend for this particular battle) strapped to his back. Ranboo had his sword in its sheath, along with a bow that had the enchantment that set arrows aflame when they are shot. Once they were ready, they crept down the stairs and outside. Ranboo taped a note to the fridge, telling Puffy and Sam what they were doing in case they woke up, or in the event that they lost the duel.

Eleven fifty-eight p.m.

Once they were outside the house, Ranboo teleported them three to the meeting spot. Once they were here, Tommy took out a torch and lit it up with flint-and-steel, sticking it into the ground. Tubbo held out his hand, which revealed that he had been carrying a pole with three different-colored bandanas on one end (a red one, a green one, and an old black one), and he stuck it into the ground. They all looked at each other after they were done.

"This is it," The youngest of the three started.

"If we die today, or we lose and we're separated, just know that... I love you, as my brothers," Ranboo said.

The other two teens smiled at him. They all hugged each other.

"We do too," Tubbo said.

Twelve a.m.; midnight

The three teens parted from their embrace. Tommy unsheathed his sword, Tubbo took out the Axe of Peace, and Ranboo took his bow and an arrow from his quiver. Then, they waited. They watched their surroundings anxiously, expecting Dream and the Badlands to come out of nowhere and attack.

Suddenly, there was the sound of thunder. Tubbo squeaked, and the Enderman hybrid pulled him into a protective one-armed hug. Something came down from the sky, being wedged into the ground a ways away from them. It was a cyan color, with a very long pole attaching the three prongs dug into the ground.

A trident.

Then, in a flurry of purple smoke, a player appeared next to it. Green hoodie, white mask, jeans, and a Netherite chestplate. Dream.

"Show off," Tommy muttered.

He was facing away from them, until he turned his body to look over at the three teens. He held out his hand, showing the opened letter that Ranboo had sent, along with the black-and-white feathered arrow. He dropped it onto the ground, grabbing his trident and pulling it out of the ground. He set the pole end onto the ground, holding it menacingly. More thunder sounded, though louder this time, and sheet lightning flashed in the clouds. The light illuminated the top half of Dream's mask, making the split-second creepy. A moment later, two more figures appeared in a flurry of smoke. One wore a black hoodie and sweatpants, along with black boots and gray gloves, a black cloak covering his arms and back, the hood of which up and concealing his face as well so only his glowing white eyes showed through. The other wore a light gray hoodie and jeans, with similar boots to the demon's, his eyes glowing a bright reddish-pink. Bad and Ant.

"Well, hello," Dream greeted casually, "I see that you didn't troll us,"

"We were serious about the duel, Dream," Tommy spoke first, his voice wavering.

The man seemed to have noticed the nervousness in his voice, since he chuckled and shook his head.

"Toms, why fight me, when you can listen to me?" He asked.

Tommy shivered, shrinking. Bad and Ant snickered at this, and Ranboo growled.

"This isn't just his fight, Dream! You want us three to come back, don't you?" He challenged.

Dream hummed, looking up at the sky, faking thought. He looked back down at Ranboo, shrugging.

"Not really. My plan was to take Tommy back to where he belonged, while I-," He paused, chuckling, "Well, I won't say your fates,"

There was another loud roll of thunder, and light rain finally came down. The torch behind the teens burnt out, just leaving a smoking stick in the ground. Bad held out a hand, looking up at the sky. He giggled, his hand dropping back to his side as he looked over at Ant.

"What a perfect forecast for such a dooming battle!" He exclaimed to his friend, then looking at the three teens, "Well, for them, not us,"

With that, Bad unsheathed his sword, his cloak moving so that the rest of his body was seen, and his hood falling off his head to show black hair and long, draconic horns. At the same time, Ant took out an axe, resting the handle in both of his hands, smiling to show off his fanged teeth. Dream laughed loudly at this, and at the teens when they readied their weapons as well: Tommy bringing his sword up to point it at Bad, Tubbo holding the Axe of Peace in both hands to match Ant, and Ranboo pulling the string back on his bow, where an arrow was notched.

"Well, I see you also came prepared," He said, lifting his trident so the pole rested on his underarm, the sharp prongs facing the ground.

The rain seemed to come down harder at the increased tension, making a foggy mist cover the plains biome they stood in.

"Last chance, Tommy: surrender here, and no blood will have to be shed!" Dream yelled for them to hear.

Tommy looked over at his friends, his brothers. They looked back at him, giving a nod as if saying 'we're doing this,' and he nodded back, looking back at where Bad was.

"We're not backing down!" He yelled

Then, they charged forwards.


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