{They're just Children! - Chapter 10}

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Stay or leave?


Ranboo and Tommy were only meters away from where Dream had stood, and heard his exclaim. They ran to the only place they knew to go; home. All the way, the Enderman hybrid held the younger's hand to keep him close, the strawberry-blonde allowing his tears to fall. When their home came into view again, they could barely see the figures of Sam, Puffy, and Tubbo. When they got closer, the youngest of those three rushed forward, engulfing his best friend in a hug.

"Shh, it's okay, Toms," The brunette said, rubbing his back.

Sam and Puffy walked forward, greeting Ranboo with a hug. When they pulled away, Sam stayed to hold his shoulders.

"What happened?" He asked, Puffy going over to Tommy and Tubbo.

"I saw Tommy talking to Dream in the woods," The Enderman hybrid explained coldly.

"Dream? He's here?" The creeper hybrid asked, surprised.

The teen nodded. Sam stepped back with shock, then looked at the ground with his arms crossed.

"What's he here for?" He asked again.

"Dunno, I didn't hear the full conversation. My guess is that he's trying to take us back," The Enderman hybrid said with a shrug.

"He's gonna take us back?" Tubbo asked, still hugging his friend.

"No, he's not," Puffy answered before anyone else, "Not if we can't prevent it,"

"He's coming back with help. We wouldn't last long if we were to fight him," Ranboo said.

"Do we really want to risk our lives, when we can just move somewhere else?" Sam asked.

"Dream won't stop until he finds us and takes us back. If we leave, we're just delaying his plans," The sheep hybrid answered.

"If we stay and fight, the boys are facing what we've been trying to get them away from; fights and war!" The creeper hybrid yelled, suddenly becoming aggressive.

"We can't run, we can't fight, what do you suggest we do, Sam? Let them take us?!" Puffy yelled back.

The two adults steadily became closer and closer as they yelled, trying to win the argument. The three teens only stood there, watching it unfold through wide eyes. Tommy suddenly ran into the house, and Tubbo called his name worriedly. Ranboo ran after him, and soon after, Tubbo did as well. They went up the stairs, and they heard something collide with the ground. They hurried up to the younger teens' room, and stood at the doorway. They saw the strawberry-blonde picking up a golden carrot from the ground, looking up at the two.

"Tommy-," The Enderman started.

"Save it, Ranboo," The younger teen said harshly, stuffing the food item into his bag and turning, "Dream's here because of me, so I'm leaving,"

Ranboo looked at the ground, and Tubbo glanced over at him. Tommy looked back at them both, and frowned, sighing.

"I'm sorry. We can't fight him, and you're suffering because of me. I need to go," He said.

"Tommy," The Enderman hybrid approached him and put a hand on his shoulder, "I didn't say we couldn't. If you want to stay and fight, I'll be by your side,"

"Same. We're friends, Toms, practically brothers, I won't leave you," Tubbo said, standing besides Ranboo now.

Tommy smiled at them, and then pulled them into a hug.

"I love you guys," The younger out of the three whispered.

"We love you too, Toms," Ranboo said back, nuzzling the boy's head.

(A/N: Sorry it's kinda short. I was starting
to run outta ideas for this chapter lol)

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