The Funeral

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I walk downstairs, grabbing a black umbrella. I walk outside to see everyone in a circle, Luther in the middle.

"Did something happen?" Mother asks, smiling.

Everyone gives her a confused look.

"Dad died...remember?" Allison says.

"Oh...yes of course." Mother's brows come together, and a frown comes upon her face.

"Is mom okay?" Allison says.

"Yeah, she just needs to rest. You know, recharge." Diego states.

I look over at my robotic mother. I haven't seen her in ages, yet she hasn't aged a day. Guess that's a perk of being a robot.

Pogo comes outside as well and says to Luther who is holding fathers ashes, "Whenever you are ready, dear boy."

Luther hesitates for a moment, then opens the lid and pours the grey pounder onto the wet concrete ground.

"Probably would have been better with some wind..." Luther says.

"Oh, sure," I say, then snap my fingers.

A gust of wind comes through, picking up the ashes, and flies them away. I snap my fingers again to stop the wind.

"How did you do that..." Klaus says, eyes wide.

"With my power. Duh." I roll my eyes.

"Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo asks. No one says anything.

"Very well." Pogo takes the breath.

"In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today." He pauses again, then continues.

"That alone, I will always be in his debut. He was my master and my friend. And I shall miss him very very much. He leaves behind a complicated legacy-"

"He was a monster." Diego cuts him off, a look of hate in his eyes. Klause laughs.

"He was a bad person and a worst father. The world is better off without him."

"Diego." Allison snaps.

"My name is number 2. You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had mom do it."

"Would anyone like something to eat?" Mom asks. I think she is malfunctioning.

"No, it's okay mom," Vanya says.

"Oh, okay." Mom looks back down.

Diego continues. "Look, you want to pay your respects, go ahead. But at least be honest about the type of man he was."

"You should stop talking." Luther cuts in. Diego gives him a stern look.

"You of all people should be on my side of things, number 1."

"I am warning you, Diego."

"After everything he has done to you. He had to ship you a million miles away-"

"Diego stop."

"That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" Diego yells, jabbing his finger into Luther's chest.

I could see that Luther had enough, and he went to punch Diego.

Punch go back and forth, with an "oof" here and there. Luther gets a good punch out of Diego, sending spit flying out of his mouth.

"Boys, stop this at once!" Pogo yells, but they ignore him. Pogo shakes his head and goes inside.

"Enough," I say. They ignore my request just as they ignored Pogos. Diego punches Luther back.

"I said enough!" My voice booms and I raise my hands out.

A gust of wind formed between Luther and Diego, sending them both flying back. They both land with a thud.

Everyone is looking at me, confused yet fascinated. I put my hands down.

Diego sees an opportunity and grabs a knife out of his waistband.

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