The Handler

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The first thing I feel is a pounding headache. I slowly open my eyes to see Luther standing in the middle of the room staring bored at the wall.

I slowly sit up slowly and feel someone else besides me.

I look to see Y/N sleeping peacefully.

"Finally, you're awake," Luther said. 

"Why is she...?"

"Sleeping next to you? She fell asleep on the chair and it didn't look conformable so I put her in the bed." 

I nod. She faced away from me, her h/c hair spilling over her shoulders. I smile.

"So...last night, you were talking about some sort of...apocalypse?" 

I turn back to Luther and turn so my feet are on the ground. I knew I shouldn't have drank the whole bottle.

"Well, you were bound to find out sooner or later." I sigh.

"So it's true?" a sense of alarm on his face.

"When I got stuck in the future, I got stuck in the apocalypse. I was the last human alive. For 45 years, I was alone."

Luther doesn't say anything for a while. Then,

"When is it going to happen? This...apocalypse."

"Well, I can't give you the exact hour...but from what I gathered we have four days left."

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Luther yelled.

I sigh.

"It wouldn't have mattered."

"Of course it would! We could band together and help you try to stop-"

"For the record, you already tried." I cut him off.

"What do you mean?"

I pause.

"I found all of you. Your body's." I look down at the ground.

"We-we died?"

Their lifeless bodies flashed in my mind.

"Horribly. You were together. Tried to stop whoever caused the apocalypse."

Luther looks down, then back at me.

"Wait, how do you know that?" he asks.

I pull out the cloth and unwrap it to reveal the glass eye. I toss it to Luther.

"I found this clutched in your dead hand."

He catches it and examines it.

"You must have ripped it out of their head before you went down."

"Who's head?" Luther says, looking back at me.

The Apocalypse Lovers ((Five Hargreeves X Reader))Where stories live. Discover now