New Job

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In a blink of an eye, we suddenly appear in some building. I look around, amazed. Everyone seems to be dressed in 50s attire. Huh.

Something felt different here. I don't really know how to explain it, but it just did.

"I must admit Number Five, in all time I've been here, I've never met someone quite like you." The Handler's voice broke my thoughts. 

Five still holds on to my hand, making sure that I stay behind him.

The Handler starts walking as Five drags me along to follow.

"Hazel and Cha-Cha, for example, are talented certainly, but they can't see...the big picture." she goes on.

"I'd like to discuss the logistics of my family's safety at your early convenience." Five states.

"Be patient, Number Five. All in good time. In fact, now that you both agreed to work with us, we have all the time in the world." She smiled at us. I rolled my eyes.

She continued to explain how things worked around here, and what Five and I would be doing.

"You, Number Eight, will be a part of case management. The job Number Five has previously. Sometimes people make decisions that change the timeline. When that happens, we send someone to...eliminate that person so what was bound to happen, happens." she explained.

"Alright..." I say.

"Of course, we will need to train you to be prepared. Once we drop Five off, I shall take you to a little opening house that everyone goes to once joining the commission. It will just show you in more detail what we do here." She stops and turned around to look at me to make sure I was listening. I slowly nod my head.

"Any questions so far?" She asks.

"Yeah. Who was the case manager handling me?" Five gives The Handler a cold stare.

She runs her hand along Fives cheek. 

"Ah, you mean the apocalypse." she smiles sweetly.

I yank Five's hand so I pull him behind me and away from her touch.

"I would prefer if you do not touch him, thank you." I smile sarcastically.

"Looks like you have a little protector, Number Five." She winks at him. I scowl at her.

"Come along now!" She says, then continues to walk.

"Why did you do that." He hissed in my ear.

"Because she is making me uncomfortable." I hiss back.

"What, jealous?" 

I turn my head and meet his eyes, our faces inches apart.

"You wish."

"Here we are!" The Handlers voice breaks our stares as we walk into a room.

"Number Five, Number Eight, meet Dot."

I look around the room to see it filled with about 10 desks, all filled with people typing in typewriters but one. The one right in front of this woman named 'Dot' was empty.

I turn my attention to the woman. She seemed kind.

"Hi!" She said, smiling sweetly

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"Hi!" She said, smiling sweetly.

"Dot here is responsible for all matters of the apocalypse. In fact, she was the one to first flag your appearance in 2019!" The Handler explained.

"No hard feeling..." she said. I look at Five to see him roll his eyes.

"Well, you certainly put us through the ringer. Outsmarting two of our best assassins. If that doesn't spell Leadership material...I just don't know what does." The Handler looks around the room, yet everyone ignored her and continued to work.

"I suspect you like a challenge, Number Five." She said, changing the subject.

"Which is why I have given you a particularly complex first case. Too bad Joseph Späh decided against sabotaging the fuel tank. It would have made matters much easier." The Handler sighed.

She handed Five a red folder on the desk.

"Now, Number Eight, I will lead you to orientation." She grabbed my arm harshly, pulling me away.

"Ow!" I say.

"Uh, before you take her, can I have a moment alone with her?" Five says quickly, placing the folder down.

The Handler stops and I shake her grip off.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that." She frowns.

Five sighs, annoyed and grabs my wrist, and pulls me out of the room.

He quickly turns to the left, then pins me against the wall. His left hand beside me, his right beside him. He comes closer and whispers in my ear.

 He comes closer and whispers in my ear

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(kinda like this lmao)

"Be careful. The Handler hears everything. Be cautious about what you say."

I can feel his hot breath against my neck, sending chills down my spine.

"Got it?" He says, and grabs my chin with his hand, forcing me to look at him.

"Y-Yep," I respond nervously.

"Are we all ready now?"

I jump at the sound of The Handler's voice.

"One more thing." Five says loud enough for her to hear.

"Don't freak out..." he said under his breath, just loud enough so only I could hear.

"Wha-" before I could say anything else, Five smashed his lips against mine while he pushed something into my hand.

Sorry, the last few chapters have been kinda short. I'll start to make them more longer! Luv you <3


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