Drunk Five

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We follow the man home. Even when he leaves to walk his dog in the morning.

"Here." Five gives me the keys to the van.

"What are these for?" I ask.

"I'm going to jump into the car and find out more about what we saw last night. You can go back to the academy or something." He grabs something out of his pocket. I look to see a pocket knife.

"What? No. I'm coming with you,"

"Y/N, don't do this right now. I really need this information. Just trust me, ok?" Fives green eyes look into my e/c ones. 

I sigh.

"Fine." I cross my arms and look down.


I look across the street to see the man putting his dog in the back.

"I'll see you later." Five says, then is gone.


I gave Y/N the keys so she wasn't left with no way to get home. I did feel a little bad leaving her.

"I'll see you later," I say, then jump into the passenger seat of the car

The man yells in surprise. I quickly put the knife to his neck.

"One chance. That's all you've got. One chance to tell me what is happening in that lab!" I say sternly. The man seemed terrified.

"I-I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients and-and sell them on the black market."

"Including eyeballs?" 

"Th-they are my best seller. They sell like hotcakes. I-I have a list, probably 100 people-"

"So the cereal number I gave you?" I ask.

"Could have been bought o-off the books." he stuttered.

"I need that list, Lance. Names and numbers and I need it now!" I yell.

"I-I don't have it. On me, anyway. It's in a safe at the lab."

"Start the car. Looks like we are going on a little field trip." 

I slowly remove the knife from his neck, and I see him start the car with shaky hands.

We drive in silence, then finally arrive at Meritech. He parks in the parking lot leaving us to walk on the sidewalk to get to the front

As we get closer, the smell of smoke fills the air. I look to see fire seepings out the windows.

"Shit," I mutter. 

I run as fast as I can to the front doors. But, the fire exploded, sending me to go flying backward.


I get in the car and sit down in the drives seat for a little bit.

I was kinda pissed at Five for leaving me alone, but at least he gave me the keys. 

I crawled into the back and looked through the duffle bag to find something.

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