The Past

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"Diego, no!" Vanya yells.

Diego throws the knife, and it cuts the side of Luther's arm.

I roll my eyes and go inside.



I look up the spiral staircase, waiting for Vanya to blow the whistle. I was right in the middle of all the others, ready to push past them all.

Finally, Vanya puts the whistle to her mouth and blows. 

We all push and shove. Luther takes the lead by a flight. I wasn't about to let him win again.

I push past Klaus and Allison, and I am behind Five. I try to push past him too, but he suddenly isn't there anymore. I look up to see that he jumped.

"That's not fair. Five's cheating!" Diego yelled.

"He adapted!" Father yelled back.

Adapted, huh?

I put both my hands on the railing of the stair and threw myself into the center, falling. Suddenly, a gust of wind forms and flies me up to the top. I stand next to Vanya, watching all the others running as fast as they can.

Suddenly, Five jumps right next to me, and smiles.



"Come on, number two. You are next." Father points to the seat.

Slowly, Diego gets up and makes his way over. He sits in the chair, nervous. 

I look over at Allison and Klaus, both whimpering in the corner holding each other from the pain.

I look over to Diego, who is on the verge of crying as the needle draws on his arm.

I shift uncomfortably in my seat, knowing I was next.

Suddenly, I feel someone grab my hand. I look over to see Five looking at me, a sympathetic smile on his face. 

He squeezes my hand, a gesture to say that it will be ok. I squeeze back, and I don't let go of his hand.


I walk into the kitchen to see Five searching through the shelves and Klause sitting on a chair, feet on the table. Allison follows me in.

"Where is Vanya?" she says.

"Oh, she's gone," Klaus replied.

"That's unfortunate. A whole square block, 42 bedrooms, 19 bathrooms but not a single drop of coffee." Five turns around and slams his hand on the table.

"Dad hated caffeine," Allison said.

"He hated children and he had plenty of us." Klaus laughs.

"I'm taking the car."

"And where are you going?" Klaus asks, dragging out the words.

Five pauses, and scowls at Klaus.

"To get a decent cup of coffee."

"Oh, can I come?" I ask. I wanted one as well.

"Do you even know how to drive?" Allison asks.

Five scowls at Allison this time.

"I know how to do everything." He grabs my arm and jumps into the car. I squeeze my eyes shut so I wouldn't want to throw up.

When I opened them, I realize I was on Five's lap.

I jump up in surprise and yelp. I can feel my face getting red.

I quickly climb into my seat, mumbling sorry a million times. Five doesn't say anything and starts driving.

We drive in silence for a couple of minutes, then I decide to make conversation.

"It's weird being back."

"Yeah. A lot has changed."

I think about all the places I went to as a kid. Then, I have an idea.

"Hey, Five?"


"Is Griddys Donuts still a thing?"

"I don't know. We can go look."

"Really?" I sit up in my seat looking at him, a smile on my face.

He looks at me quickly, a slight smile on his face.

"Sure. Why not."

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. Hope you liked the story so far! Another chapter should be up by tomorrow.


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