The Backstory

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We step through the academy doors. 

"Where are you going?" Five asked me as I ran up the stairs. I don't respond.

"Y/N!" Five shouts. I walk past Fives room and go into mine to find him standing in the middle of the room.

"What do you want Five?" I say.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"Why do you care? I'm just some random girl who popped out of the portal with you. You have no memories of me at all, yet you still seem to treat one of your siblings. It makes no sense." I say, running my hand through my hair.

"Well then...tell me." Five says and sits down on my bed.

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me everything. I want to know."

I look at him for a couple of seconds.

"I can't do this right now." I sigh, then run out of the academy. 

Rain poured down from the sky above. I sat down against a wall on the sidewalk, and put my head in between my knees.

I cry. I haven't cried in a long time. I let out all the things that have been bottled inside me for so long. 

I was getting soaked, but I could care less.

"Y/N?" I hear Fives voice again. I look up at him, and he crouches down.

"What?" I snap.

He doesn't say anything and just looks into my E/C eyes. I turn my head away and try to stop crying. Yet I can't.

"I wanna know what happened. I want to know about us." Five said. He placed his hand on my knee.

I look back over at him and sniffle.

"Fine," I mumble. I raise my hands in the air and the water from the sky doesn't hit us anymore. It looks like we are in some dome while it is raining outside.

Five looks around, amazed.

"If you were wondering, my powers are to control the elements. Water," I say as I look around.

"Air." A gush of wind forms.

"Fire." I put my hand out and a burst of flames appears.

"Earth." Some grass that was sprouting in the cracks of the sidewalk grow.

"And spirit."

"Spirit?" Five asks.

"The easiest way to explain it is I can control your guy's power. For example, say you wanted to teleport right over there." I point to the other side of the street.

"But I can make it so you end up over here." I point back to the academy.

" about us? What was our relationship like?" He asked. I sigh.

"Well...we would spend every second possible with each other. We would sneak out, have sleepovers, and hang out during breaks. Sometimes you would jump into my room and we would just talk for...hours." I smile thinking of the good memories. "We were inseparable."

He smiles too.

"Then...everything changed." I look down.

"It was my last night before I was locked away. We decided to go to the pool. You teleported us out of the academy, and off we went. I remember it being so much fun. Then, while drying off, you kissed me." I look up at Five to see his reaction. He seemed interested.

"On the way home, you talked about time travel. I only agreed if you went, I would travel with you. You said that you couldn't take me because your power wouldn't be strong enough for the both of us. I said you were wrong." Five gave me a confused look.

"We made an oath with my powers. These said "oaths" are special due to the fact you are calling on everything that makes up the world. Anything was possible with these oaths." I pause.

"So when you time traveled, you had already forgotten about me, including the oath. I remember the day so clearly. I was still locked away, all of your memories wiped of any memory of me. I hear yelling, then you. Running out of the academy." Five sits down next to me, still very curious.

"First, it was summer. Somehow, I landed right on the sidewalk outside the academy. I saw you running, I tried to catch up to you, but you didn't hear me. Then, winter. Finally, the end of the world...I tried to get to you, but I couldn't speak or move."

" My body felt like it was...disintegrating. I remember everything going black until you picked me up out of a pile of rubble. So no Five, you were not alone the whole time. You were just with someone who could not speak nor move." I get up, going to walk inside.

"Wait!" Five stood up and grabbed my wrist.

"What?" I ask.

"What did you do to get locked away from us?" He asks, a serious look on his face.

"Well...Father found out about us doing that oath. He was inraged. He told me that time travel was dangerous, and I needed to undo the oath. I said no. I wouldn't do it. The argument got...overheated. We yelled, and you guys heard."

"You all came rushing down to find him and me yelling at each other in the living room. I remember what his words...' You will listen to me Number 8! This is not up for discussion. You are a great disappointment to me, to everyone!'"

"At that point, I had lost it. My anger got the best of me...I didn't know how to control my powers back then, and...well, it just wasn't safe for me to be around you guys anymore. So he locked me away and made Allison rumor you all. Guessing by the way everyone looked at me when I arrived, it seems that she never told anyone." I sigh, feeling more tears spring into my eyes.

"Can I go now?" I ask desperately.

"Y/N..." Five had a look of worry on his face.

"I-I need to go," I say, feeling my lip tremble. 

I run inside into my room, locking at door, and lay down on my bed to continue to let everything else that was bottled inside of me for so long, free. 

I wanted to thank you all for 200 reads! It really means a lot.<3 I won't to able to post until tomorrow. Have a lovely day/night!


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