Part 14

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A month later

Taehyung pov

I was lost in my thoughts. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. I was so into my thoughts that I didn't catch a single word of what Mia was saying, who kept on babbling about the new make-up, the new shoes and her 3 new dresses that she bought with my money of course. It's been like this since we argued a month before with Y/N; I'm trying so hard to forget her that I find myself doing the opposite, spacing out every little free time I could get. "Tae-Tae are you even listening ?" I came back to Earth and glanced at her uninterestingly "No" 'Wha- for god sake Tae you-" "Don't call me like that." "Sorry what ?! How do you expect me to-" "Is it so hard for you to call me Taehyung ? Or is the paint bucket, which serves you as make-up, so thick that it gets on your neurons ?" Mia was starstruck by my words; her mouth was wide open but no sound seemed to come out of it. She was like a fish. I stood up and started to leave our table without saying anything, letting Mia stuck in her place. I soon reached my company and when I went in the elevator I saw someone running towards me; I put my hand between the doors to prevent them from closing. The person came in and when they lifted their head I was stunned; Y/N. Since the accident she kept on avoiding me as much as she could, because being my PA didn't help it along. I was happy to see her but I tried to not let my face show anything. She stood next to me, her head lowered with her hands sealed. The atmosphere was tense, neither of us were talking or looking at the other one, it was almost suffocating. I should talk to her, but what should I say ? I don't even know if she wants to talk to me. Probably not, after what I said to her... I'm an idiot, I never should have kissed her at Jeju, hell ! I never should have gave her this job ! Things wouldn't have turned like that ! All because of my selfishness ! I punched without thinking the elevator's wall out of rage. Y/N flinched at my sudden outburst, but she didn't say anything. I turned my head towards her and saw her head still lowered. But what I saw broke my heart; tears were dropping on the floor and still no sound left her mouth. "Y/N..." I was going to hold her in my arms, but the doors opened before I could, and she ran out of the elevator without a word. I saw her turning on the left of her desk and I knew where she was going; to Yoongi's office.

Y/N pov

I walked fast towards the restroom, almost running as if my life depends on it. I passed in front of Yoongi's desk with my head lowered while he tried to call me but I didn't stop; I didn't want him to see me crying. I locked myself in the restroom and let it all out; I didn't expect to be in the elevator alone with Taehyung. I tried so hard to be distant towards him and it did work for a month, but now I had to face him again and I wasn't ready for it. "Y/N" "Yoon..." I was still crying and thus unable to string two words together. Yoongi seemed to understand it and just said "It's ok, just breathe in and out. I'll wait for you outside okay ? I don't want to pose as a perverse you know." I chuckled at his words and heard his footsteps draw away. I opened my toilet's door and washed my hands as I recalled the previous scene. How could I face him now... I avoided him for a whole month... for god's sake Y/N ! He's your boss before being the man you love ! I got out of the restroom and saw Yoongi smiling at me as he waited next to my desk. I walked towards him and we sat down, he put his head on his hand and waited for me to talk "I was in the elevator with him. We didn't talk but he punched the wall out of nowhere, I was shocked and ran out for the elevator as soon as we got here..." I took a deep breath before going any further, but Yoongi was faster than me "Did he do something to you ?!" "No he would never, but since our argument about you last month I avoided him as much as possible, so when we bumped into each other I felt... overwhelmed and I didn't know what to say or do and then this happened and-" "Okay okay, take a deep breath Y/N, it's alright it's normal to feel like this." He was patting my back softly while comforting me "You did nothing wrong, I'm sure he did this because he didn't know what to do either. You know him better than I do but I'm pretty sure it's a difficult time for him too. He can't be with the woman he loves, he's trapped into a marriage he didn't want." "I know Yoon but I don't know what to do... I'm lost..." "I understand, everything's gonna be alright, I'm here for you" I smiled at him "Thank you Yoon, I don't know what I would do if you weren't there" "Well, I may have an idea on how to thank me" He rubbed the back of his neck, a bit embarrassed "Well, spill it !" I couldn't keep up the suspense any longer. "Can you help me to get back with Jimin ?" "OH MY GOD REALLY ?!" "Shhhhhh not so loud ! He's just a few desks away !" I put my hand on my mouth, cursing at myself for my mistake. "Will you help me ?" "Help you with what ?"

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