Part 17

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Taehyung reached his car and started the engine but suddenly froze; where did she go ? I don't even know by where she went away. Okay Taehyung calm down, first try her house. He started to drive as fast as he could to reach her home. Once arrived, he got out of his car hurriedly and knocked on her door. He waited 2 minutes, but nobody came to open him the door. Okay, so where next ? The office ? I don't think so but we never know. He got back in his car and drove again, to the company this time. But once again, no luck. Taehyung started to lose patience and moreover, he started to worry. Think Taehyung, think for god sake ! He crouched down, his hands on his face. Suddenly, he had an idea; he ran to his car and drove fast towards the destination he had in mind; Please, please Y/N ! Tell me you're there ! He parked his car once on site, and got out. It was late at night already, so he couldn't see well but oddly, he knew where to go to find her, if he was right. He walked for at least 10 minutes until he saw a small figure sit down on a bench, under a street lamp. He sighed in relief; he finally found her, after 30 minutes looking for her and driving around the city. She was sniffling, a sign that she cried. Taehyung's heart broke at this sight; watching the woman he loves being hurt and sad because of him was the worst thing that could happen to him. He slowly walked towards her with little footsteps, fearing that if she heard him coming she might vanish into the air. Suddenly, she lifted her head as she felt someone's presence and turned her head to the right; there was standing Taehyung. She stood up, ready to leave if necessary but Taehyung stopped her "No please ! Don't leave me again, please..." "What do you want ?" She said coldly to him. Taehyung gulped, not knowing what to say suddenly. Pauline sighed, defeated; what was she expected after all. She turned around, ready to leave but felt two arms embracing her out of the blue "Tae-Taehyung you-" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry a million times. I know I messed up, I know I told you things I should have never told you. I thought things about you that I should never have thought. Please, allow me to make up for it with my love for you, I promise I'll never hurt you again." "Taehyung... I-I don't know, you deeply hurt me and even though I forgive you, our situation will not change." Taehyung backed off a little to look at her, he placed his hands on her cheeks, slightly stroking them "Why do you say that ? Please, don't tell me those kinds of things Y/N." "But it's the truth Taehyung. You're married; I know it's not a romantic relationship but still. First, it's not right to "cheat" like that, second, you can't divorce her or else you'll lose the precious contract you have with her father, third, people will talk bad about you and your father." Taehyung was surprised at Y/N's words "How do you know ?" "I'm sorry... I overheard your conversation with you father the other day... Tae, I'm sorry, I know you love me and I love you too, but I'm not selfish enough to not think about all of this. I'd rather sacrifice myself and my love for you than being in a relationship with you, knowing deep down that this isn't right." "This is why I love you." "What do you mean ?" "You always put others before your well-being. You put me first before you, you put Yoongi and his boyfriend before you. You always care for others, help them and encourage them. You're a pure heart Y/N and this is the main reason why I fell in love with you. You said this isn't right, then let me make it right." "What do you mean ?" "On Monday, be in my office at 9." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief, she couldn't quite understand what Taehyung had planned. "Taehyung why-" but before she could finish her sentence he cut her off, kissing her. "You talk too much sometimes, love." She blushed at Taehyung's action and words "Y-yeah I already know that, you didn't have to remind me though..." Taehyung chuckled "Don't be impatient, you'll see. And don't overthink about it, I got it all. You can trust me, you know that, right ?" Without thinking twice, she decided to tease him a bit, just for a little revenge "Hum, I don't know, I still have some doubts you see" "What ?! What do you mean ?!" "Well, you say that I can trust you, but you followed me to the restaurant so I don't know if I really can..." "Y-yah ! How do you expect me to react when I hear my girl talking about having a date with her co-worker ?! And how could I know that he's gay uh ?! Of course I followed you, I didn't want to lose you, that's why ! Nobody can have you but me !" Y/N giggled at Taehyung's words, she thought about that time when he was a cold man, but turned out to be a big bear towards her now. Y/N went on with her teasing "Oh so now I'm just your girl ? I thought I was your love, I see..." she faked a pout to make it more realistic. Taehyung immediately reacted by hugging her, making her almost disappear into his embrace "Of course you are my love ! Don't tease me, you know that you're precious to me. You're mean to me, but I guess I deserve it." They stayed like this for a good minute, without any words. None was needed. Y/N, then asked "Hum, Tae ?" "Yes ?" "How did you know that I was here ? I could've been anywhere" "I looked for you at your house and then at the office, because it was the most evident, but after not finding you I started to think about places you could have been. The most obvious to me was here." "You still remember..." "How could I forget the first place where we met after all these years" "You hated me because I almost tripped." "In fact, I didn't. I have to confide in you something." Y/N gazed at him with her big doe eyes; he chuckled at her expression, she didn't seem to realise the effect this expression has on him "When you turned around towards me that day, I didn't realize that I was this close to you. It was as if my feet walked on their own. So, if you almost tripped that day, it was only because of me." "But how is that possible ?" "Don't you get it ? I was looking at you the whole time. From when you started to photograph the bridge, to this moment when you snapped those pretty flowers before turning around to me." Y/N was speechless; she couldn't help but to think that he was cute. Well, in some other time, she would think that it's creepy, but not at the moment. "I'm sorry that I reacted like this that day, I didn't know what to do or say, I was caught off guard, and like I said, I didn't realise I was just behind you." "It's okay Tae, we already cleared this matter. It's in the past now." She sweetly smiled at him in reassurance. He nodded and took her hand in his "Now that it's all good between us, let me take you home. You need to take a rest before the big thing on Monday" They walked towards Taehyung's car and got in. Soon, they arrived at Y/N's house, he walked her to her door " Hum, Tae I'm still not sure about Monday." Without saying anything, he took her face between his hands and kissed her, gently but still passionately. As if he was trying to reassure her through this kiss. He broke the kiss and looked at her, replacing a strand of hair behind her ear "Do you love me ?" "Of course I love you" "So you trust me ?" "Without any doubts" she knew she couldn't joke anymore right now, because it was a serious matter. "I promise you that everything's gonna be alright. I promise you that nothing will happen to you or me. And I promise you that once everything's done on Monday, this will feel all right."

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