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*Ding dong* "Tae can you open the door please ! I'm busy with the cake !" "Yes Ma'am !" Taehyung ran down the stairs and opened the door, only to be face to face with Yoongi and Jimin. "Hi Mister Kim !" "Come on guys ! Stop this joke already ! We're friends !" "It still feels weird to call you Taehyung you know." "Yoongi ! Jimin ! I'm glad you could come tonight !" Y/N hugged the both men and invited them to come inside. "Well you know, the last time I told you we couldn't come I remember you threw a spatula at me." "Yah ! It was an accident and you know it !" "Oh my dear, you will not get away with this excuse." Y/N pouted as she was feeling misunderstood. "Don't pout like that Love, we know you didn't intend to kill him." "What ?! You too ?! Aish those men ! I'm going back to my kitchen, where NOBODY could accuse me of something I surely didn't do !" She stomped out of the living room like she was mad, but deep down she knew they were just playing around. They laughed at her gait. As they were sitting on the couch, Taehyung said "She's so cute, I can't believe she's my wife." "Aaawww you're both cute you know !" Jimin and Yoongi giggled. Y/N came back with snacks, glasses and a wine bottle. She sat down next to Taehyung but the bell rang suddenly. She almost forgot. "You invited him after all ?" He stood up and placed a light kiss on her forehead, showing her that he isn't mad. He then headed to the door. She felt a bit guilty to not let him know about it. "It's okay Y/N, you did the right thing. It's been a year already, they need to sort things out or else it will become unhealthy." Y/N sighed but nodded, as she knew Yoongi was right. "This way father." Mister Kim came into the living-room and was greeted by everyone, all bowing to him. "Ah no need to be so formal, we're not in a professional situation." He softly smiled and sat down. "I would like to thank your wife for inviting me, I have to be honest and tell you I insisted on coming. I hope it doesn't bother you son." "I honestly don't care, but you bothered my wife and almost imposed you in my home." You could cut the atmosphere with a knife; Yoongi and Jimin kept their mouths shut, but they were a bit afraid something might happen. Y/N took Taehyung's hand in order to calm him; he was thankful to her about it, otherwise he was sure he would've lost his temper already. "I know, and I want to apologize for my behavior, but I need to tell you some things. After that, I'll leave your life for good, I promise." Taehyung weighed up his father and sighed "Fine ! I'm all ears." "I'm retiring." "What ?!" Yoongi and Jimin were as shocked as Y/N and Taehyung; they weren't prepared for this new "I don't understand, you still have 10 years before your retirement, so why ?" "I'm feeling too old for this. And I know I can count on you to succeed me. In fact, I never doubted you Taehyung, I knew way before all of this that you were doing a great job. I was just being... me, an old man with old principles and all. I know I hurt you many times son, and I can swear I regret it. It's been a year since we saw each other, and I understand you didn't want to see me. During this whole year, I never stopped regretting what I did, but I know it's not with an apology that everything's gonna be fixed between us. I'm willing to be patient and to gain your trust again, if you're willing too of course. If not, then I'll take my leave and never bother you and your wife again." Taehyung couldn't believe it; his father was apologizing to him in front of three other people. It was too much for him; he stood up and ran towards the bedroom, he needed a minute to think about all of this. His father smiled sadly; he stood up in order to leave but Y/N held him back "Please, wait a minute. I'll try to talk to him." She walked towards their bedroom and knocked on the door, before coming in. Taehyung was sitting on the edge of the bed, thinking about the previous scene. He lifted his eyes in his wife's direction but couldn't utter a word. She sat down next to him and put her head on his shoulder; he leaned his head on hers without a word. "What do I do, Love ? I want to give him a chance, but I don't know... I don't want to regret it later..." "Kim Taehyung, look at me" He lifted his head and gazed at her "I think you should listen to whatever your heart is saying. I don't have the answer, but be sure that whatever your decision will be, I'll support you." Taehyung took her hand in his and kissed it; her words were more than enough to be at ease with his thoughts "You always know how to calm me, Love. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." She smiled at him, knowing her husband was a righteous man. They came out of the bedroom and went downstairs to join the others. Taehyung's father stood up and said "Son, it's okay. I'll take my leave now and let you have your dinner in peace. I understand you don't want to stay in touch with me. I can't blame you for it. After All, it's my fault, I made mistakes and hurt you." Taehyung rolled his eyes "So you're saying you don't want to eat the delicious meal my wife made for us ?" They were all looking at Taehyung, eyes wide open, except for Y/N. "Well, no it's not what I meant but-" "Great ! So you're eating with us, and after that we'll need to talk." Taehyung grinned at his father; he put his hands in his pocket and walked towards the table. His father smiled widely, not believing at what just happened. Yoongi and Jimin sighed in relief and cheered up. They all followed him and started to eat and chat happily with each other. The dinner went nicely and it was time to have the dessert. Y/N placed the handmade cake on the table and started to serve each guest with their piece. But before anybody could eat, Yoongi drew attention to him "We need to tell you something Jimin and I." They took each other's hands and Jimin finally announced with sparkles in his eyes "We're getting married" Y/N screamed and literally jumped on them; she hugged them tightly not believing the happy news. "I'm gonna cry ! I'm overjoyed right now !" Taehyung stood up and hugged them too "Congratulations ! You deserve to be happy." "Thank you so much guys ! I still can't believe he said yes !" "Wait ! You proposed to Yoongi ? Waaah" "Hey ! I wanted to do it first, but he beat me to it !" Yoongi said with a pout "Aw don't play this game, I know you wanted me to propose to you in real" Yoongi blushed at Jimin's words "I-I never told you that..." Jimin giggled at Yoongi's reaction "No need to, I could read you like a book." They all laughed as the two lovers were bickering. Y/N and Taehyung looked at each other and nodded in unison "Well, we need to tell you something too guys" She took Taehyung's hand and said "I'm pregnant !" "Yes ! We're going to be uncles ! Be ready ! I'm going to turn your little one evil, haha !" "Yooni what are you talking about ? You'll be the most cheesy uncle." "What ? Babe, I thought you supported me ! You, betrayer !" Everyone was laughing hard and having fun about the news. But Taehyung noticed his father had left the table; "I'm going to look for my father, Love." "Of course, take your time." He stood up and looked for his father everywhere. He finally found him in the garden. He came nearer to him without saying a word. His father slightly jumped as he was taken by surprise when Taehyung sat next to him. "Sorry, didn't want to startle you" "No no, don't worry." For a good minute it was only silence between them. It was weird for them to have dinner together, laugh together after so many years. Mister Kim decided to break the silence first "Thank you Taehyung, for letting me stay for dinner. I appreciated the gesture and I'm grateful for it. And congratulations for the pregnancy, I'm proud of you and I mean it." Taehyung stared into space for a minute before clearing his throat "I'm glad then. I would lie if I say that I forgive you for all what you did in the past. But, you are still my father and I'm your son. It's been a year now, a lot of water has passed under the bridge. Y/N has gifted me with the most precious gift I could ever ask for. I want to take a fresh start from now on. So, if you still want to, I would like you to become a part of this fresh start of mine. I want my child to grow in a happy family, with no secrets or toxicity." His father was on the verge of crying; his son was willing to give him a chance. Taehyung stood up, opened his arms and waited; he couldn't remember the last time he and his father shared a sign of affection. His father glanced at him for a second; he stood up and took his son in his arms. For the first time since ages, Taehyung felt at peace with his father. Y/N, Yoongi and Jimin were looking from afar at the scene and awed in unison. Soon, everyone left and Taehyung and Y/N sat down on the couch, exhausted but delighted that everything's good now. She had her head on Taehyung's chest and he was stroking her hair softly. No words were needed at the time; they knew that what was finally waiting for them was no more than an enjoyable future with the ones they love.

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