Part 5

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On Friday night

No one pov

"What the hell Miss Y/N !" Taehyung shouted while standing up abruptly as Y/N spilled some coffee on his suit. "I'm so sorry Mr Kim I-" "Save it ! I don't know what's wrong with you today but it's the fourth time you do shit at work ! Why can't you do things properly uh ?! You're useless !!!" Y/N was paralyzed and on the verge of tears; she couldn't say anything right now. He was right, today wasn't a good day for her. She kept on messing the files and being clumsy as fuck; All because of those fucking period. I hate my life so much right now ! No no no don't cry Y/N or it will be worse. But it was too late, a single tear ran down her cheek; she lowered her head and chewed on her lower lips to prevent from doing any noise. She refused to seem weak in front of him. Taehyung stopped talking as he saw the tear falling down Shit ! I lost my temper ! Fuck fuck fuck ! Tae you're a dickhead, what do I do now ?! Y/N was still there with her head down and waiting for Taehyung to keep on scolding her; but he just sighed and said "Go home. And wait for me to pick you up tonight." He returned behind his laptop and started to type again. Y/N left his office without a word and ran outside the building heading to her house. Once she left, Taehyung stopped typing and sighed again, massaging his forehead as he kept on replying to the previous scene in his head; he suddenly banged the table " Damn it !"

Once the day finished, Taehyung went home and prepared himself for the trip. He called Y/N to know her address and drove to her house. He kept on pondering about what happened at work today; he couldn't stop cursing at himself for being this harsh on her and promised himself to try sorting things out with her. After all, he had a soft spot for Y/N; even though today she made some mistakes, he knew that she was a hardworking woman. She is always on time in the morning, always completes all the files he asks her to do and returns them on time. She is independent and always tries to first solve the problem by herself before eventually asking for help -which happened twice since she started two months ago- and always helps her co-workers when they struggle with something. But moreover, she is always smiling, even at him. Even if he is always cold and never returns her smile; but how he likes it when she does it. Hell ! He loves it ! And he felt weird about it because he never felt like that for a woman before; I'm feeling overwhelmed again... what are you doing to me Y/N ? Soon he arrived in front of Y/N's house and went out of his car. He knocked on the door and waited. Soon the door opened and revealed a rather tired Y/N behind; his heart clenched seeing her in this state. "Sir, good evening. I'm coming back with my suitcase and my coat, please wait for me." He simply nodded and waited for her. She smiled at him again. But it wasn't like the usual ones; this smile was a sad one.

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