Chapter 33

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Taylor's POV

I woke up in extreme pain, my lower stomach was killing me and it took me a moment to realise what had happened. Then I started to freak out. "Holly!" I shouted, then looked around quickly, worried as to whether or not something bad had happened to my fiancé or not. "Hey babe, I'm here. Shhh. It's okay" I heard her reply from the side of me, grabbing a hold of my hand. I turned my head and looked over at her. "I'm so glad you're okay" I told her, tears filling my eyes. "What do you mean? You're the one that got stabbed! I'm more than glad you're okay! I thought I was going to lose you" she replied sadly, I noticed that in actual fact her eyes were bloodshot and swollen from crying, along with her face being blotchy red from crying. "You can't get rid of me that easily" I replied, smiling weakly at her as she chuckled and pecked my forehead softly. "You're my forever" she told me, looking into my eyes, changing from my eyes to my lips before finally leaning in and kissing me, there was so much passion and love. I intertwined my hand with hers as our kiss turned into a make out session. I pulled away breathless and smiled widely. "I love you" I breathed out, she smiled and pecked my lips one last time before taking her seat, our hands still intertwined. "Hello Miss.Momsen" a sophisticated voice spoke as the door opened. "Hello doctor" I replied, noticing Holly smiling at me mocking him, but him not quite noticing. "We need to keep you in for the night to make sure that there will be no complications, but you will be free to go tomorrow" he informed us both. "How are you feeling?" The doctor asked after, checking the clipboard at the end of the bed. A nurse coming in to check all of my fluids and machines. "I'm feeling okay thanks. My side is in a little bit of pain and I'm tired, but other than that I'm great" I replied, the doctor nodded and took some notes. He asked an array of a few more questions and then left. Jordan and Jimin coming in after, with some decent food and drink. "I love you guys" Holly said as they walked in. "Hey!" I shouted defensively and pouting. Holly chuckled and kissed me quickly "Don't pout or I'll kiss you" She threatened, then laughed at me "Maybe I'll pout more often" i winked, wiggling my eyebrows. "Maybe I'll stop kissing you completely" she replied, smirking at my shocked face. "You couldn't do that no matter how hard you tried Holly" Jordan defended me from behind Holly. "Not true" She answered defensively. "If you say so" Jimin joined in whilst I sat laughing. "Screw you guys" She moaned, sitting down on her chair, crossing her legs and pouting her lips.

*The Next Day*

Today's the day I get to go home, Jordan and Jimin left about an hour ago and said that they'd be round for dinner later. "You ready?" Holly asked as she walked into the room, the doctor behind her with papers for me to sign so I can be released. "Yeah" I replied simply. My hip was in a lot of pain, but I sucked it up and just waited patiently till I could have my next dosage of pain killers. "Miss.Momsen" the doctor started, looking through my file. "You'll need to take regular pain killers, you also will need to take it slow with anything you do. You can't apply pressure to the scar in case it rips. In a month you will have to come in for a check up and you must constantly use this cream" he was explaining, stopping the hand me the cream, I took it from his hand and nodded at him to continue. "This cream to keep it from becoming too tight or causing any pain" he finished, Holly and I nodded in understanding. "Okay, I just need you to sign here and then you're free to go" he sighed, placing the clipboard on my lap and handing me a pen. I signed the paper and handed it back to him. He smiled and left the room. "Let's go" Holly smiled, already holding my stuff, then grabbing my hand, pulling me lightly out of the room.

Holly's POV

I pulled Taylor out of her hospital room eager to get home, I hated hospitals just as much as the next person, but having to constantly be here was driving me insane and had given me a new found hatred. Don't get me wrong, everything doctors and nurses do, I will forever be thankful for, but the fact that either Taylor or I was in the hospital bed was not on the top of my to do list, nor my bucket list. "Slow down Holly" Taylor moaned, pulling me as hard as she could to a stop. "Sorry, I just want to get out of here. Are you okay?" I replied, stopping quickly and checking to make sure that she was fine. She nodded and I took her hand back in mine, walking to the door this time. "What's for dinner then?" She asked as we left the hospital, I had decided to leave it a secret, I wanted to impress her, although I already had her as mine, but you should always continue how you started a relationship, that way you won't lose them.
"Secret" I replied simply as I helped her climb into the car, making sure she didn't put any strain on her scar. "You okay?" I asked as she hissed in pain. "Yeah" she replied through gritted teeth. "You sure?" I pressed, noticing the pain in her eyes. "I just hit my hip" she replied, placing her hand on it softly. "Right, we will get you home quick. Then you can sit down and just rest whilst I cook" I told her, kissing the side of her head before closing the door and going around to my side.
The drive home was quiet, other than the soft music that was playing.
Once we pulled up into the drive I noticed Jimin and Jordan's car parked in the space next to where I'd parked. "They're here already?" Taylor asked, surprised at their earliness. "They were excited for dinner, I mean, I am cooking" I replied, laughing as she slapped my arm. "Get out the car. I wanna go inside" she laughed, smacking my backside as I climbed out. I walked around to her side, opening the door for her and helping her out. "Thank you kind sir" she mocked a posh British accent. "That'll be five dollars lady" I mocked an American cab drivers accent. We both laughed at each other and I helped her to the house. "Well, look who's home" Jordan commented walking past the door. "How long have you two been here?" I asked, noticing Jordan waddle to the living room where I could hear a film playing. "You've been here for at least half an hour?" I asked in shock, noticing they were watching 'Zombieland' the last DVD I had left in there. The two of them obvious being too lazy to change it. "Go and make dinner, we are starving" she commanded after I helped Taylor sit comfortably.

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