Chapter 39

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Holly's POV

I woke up listening to a bunch of questions, not being able to quite match voices to bodies as my head was pounding. I felt something cold being laid across my head and felt an instant wash of relief fall over me, smiling and letting out a small sigh, I slowly opened my eyes. "Hey, are you okay?" I looked up and saw Taylor, her eyes full of concern. "Yeah" I replied, my voice sounded disgusting and before I could say anything Taylor had a bottle of water and was handing it to me. "Thanks" I groaned out, gulping most of the bottle, feeling the cold liquid go down my throat. "Feel better?" She asked as I almost finished the water. "Definitely" I replied. "What the hell happened?" She asked concerned "Where's the girls?" I asked, ignoring her question. "They are currently talking to Lauren trying to get answers. Now what's going on?" She asked again, this time I bit more sternly. "I...erm...Lauren has put us all in danger" I managed to stutter out. "I knew she was no good" Taylor mumbled to herself. "Wait...we need to phone the police and get Jordan, Jimin and Logan here" I stopped Taylor getting up. "Why?" She asked, her voice now full of worry and the sudden anger gone. "They're in danger too" I told her quietly. "LAUREN!" She screamed, I heard five sets of feet running up the stairs as the door swung open. "What's happened? Is she okay?" Lauren said quickly. "She's fine, for now, but really none of us are fine are we?" Taylor replied, her eyes seemingly as dark as her tone. "I'm so sorry Taylor, I never meant for this to happen" Lauren tried to apologise, but Taylor left, presumably to go and phone Jordan. "Holly please" she pleaded, as much as she had upset me and as much danger as she had put us in, I still cared about her as a friend and I didn't want any of my friends or my fiancé getting hurt. "Listen, Lauren. She's just mad and she's scared, our relationship has been dangerous for a lot of it, we've both been to the hospital more times than we can count between us, she just doesn't want anything else bad to happen, but for that you need to cooperate with the police" I told her, she nodded and engulfed me in a hug, as if to say thank you because she was crying.

*1 hour later*

We now had Jordan, Jimin and Logan safe at our house with everyone else, we also had called the police and they were due here any minute to take statements from everyone, although everyone hasn't got something to say, but whatever helps them out. "Lauren?" I said softly, she had been quiet ever since she heard the police were on their way, not only had she gone quiet but she'd got paler as time went by. "Mmhm" she replied quietly "You have to tell them everything okay?" I said, placing my hand on hers and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I promise we all have your back and we'll all protect you" I told her seriously as she looked me in the eyes. She nodded and went back to staring into space. "Holly?" I heard Taylor call from the kitchen, everyone was in there but I'd decided to check on Lauren. "Come on" I said, but she shook her head 'no' I looked at her and didn't know what to do, I didn't know if I could trust her not to run. "Lauren please, no one is mad at you" I pleaded, to which she actually responded and got up sighing, but following me into the kitchen. "Yeah?" I asked as I walked up to Taylor, placing my hands on her hips and pulling her into me slightly as I leant on the kitchen island. "The police will be here in the next five minutes" she whispered into my ear, making sure no one else heard. "Okay, you know I'm really worried about Lauren" I whispered back, she nodded and sighed, placing her head in the crook of my neck as she wrapped her arm loosely around my neck. "Guys..." Lauren started, but Logan interrupted her by crying. "Awh, can I hold him?" I asked Jordan, letting Taylor go and walking over to her. "Sure" she replied, smiling as I took Logan carefully, placing a soft kiss on his forehead he stopped crying and looked up at me, his big green eyes looking up at me, sparkling due to his tears. "Picture opportunity" I heard Jordan whisper to Taylor, smiling down at Logan I heard her camera sound and turned to smile at her. "You little poop" I said, careful about my language around Logan, although he was a new born swearing was not a good idea. She stuck her tongue out at me and I heard Taylor ask her to send it to her. "He's going to sleep" I told Jordan, bouncing him lightly with a small sway, his eyes closing slowly as I started to sing lyrics to one of my songs softly, he started to smile small and I know someone was videoing as I heard the record noise. "Place him in his buggy" Jordan told me as we all heard a knock at the door. "Let's get this over with" I heard Lauren sigh as I placed Logan in his buggy.

"Miss. Jauregui can we please speak to you first?" A female officer asked, her notepad and pen out already, Lauren told her everything she knew and to be honest it was shocking, I was amazed she'd kept all this from me, but more concerned when she said that my tormentors had threatened her so disgustingly. "Lauren I'm so sorry" I said instinctually because she was crying, by this point we all looked quite miserable and we all looked at Lauren like we felt sorry for her.
After at least another two hours of question everyone else the officers stood to leave. "We will be in contact Miss.Williams and Miss.Momsen" the male officer informed us "And you Miss.Jauregui. Please have a safe evening" the female officer added as she shut the door. "Let's call Big Rob, Taylor you call your body guard, Jimin you call yours and Holly you call yours" Ally demanded, a smart plan, to which we all took to our phones, well Taylor, Ally, Jimin and I. "This is gonna be one long week" I sighed.

Taylor's POV

"You look so cute here" I kept cooing, showing Holly the picture Jordan had sent me earlier, the picture was on every social media site along with the video of her singing Logan to sleep "I hate you guys, but can you send me that?" Holly replied, her face breaking into a grin at the picture. "Okay" I replied, sending it to her before locking my phone and turning serious. "I want to have a kid" I said, I had thought about it a lot and had decided that I wanted to have a baby with Holly as soon as we could. "What?" Holly replied, not even hiding her shock. "I want to have a baby, as soon as possible, seeing you with Logan earlier just made me more decisive on the situation" I replied sincerely, seeing a sparkle appear in her eyes, she smiled widely at me, obviously not knowing what to say as we sat in silence for a good few minutes. "When?" She finally asked, you could hear the smile in her voice. "As soon as" I replied, not hiding the excitement I felt. "I don't know what to say" she replied, I smiled "Don't say anything" I replied, to that she leant over and kissed me.
"IM SO EXCITED OH MY GOD!" We heard someone scream as they ran into our room, not one set of feet was heard, but a few pairs were. "When is this happening?" "How long are you going to wait?" "You guys should do it soon" tons of questions were thrown our way and Holly and I could not stop laughing. "We can go to the hospital next week and see what the procedure is" Holly replied, looking over to me for a nod of approval or word of agreement. "Why not?" I replied, all the girls jumped for joy and then Jordan and Jimin came in. "You guys are so loud" Jordan groaned can, laying across Holly and I, sighing deeply. "Sorry, but the OTP are having a baby together and I can't contain myself" I heard Dinah reply, Jordan laughed at her words and sat on Holly "Is that so?" She asked, Holly and I nodded in reply. "That's so exciting, I call Godmother" she shouted, all of us laughing at her. "I'm serious so I dunno what's funny, but you guys need to shush now because we are going to sleep" she said, leaving the room with Jimin. "Is that it?" Ally asked quietly. "Wait for it" I replied, Holly sat counting down 5...4...3...2...and she pointed towards the door where Jordan came running back in. "YOU GUYS ARE GONNA HAVE A FREAKING KID" she shouted, Holly and I bursting into laughter while the all sat looking at Jordan, smiles on their faces and Dinah laughing hard with Lauren. "I knew it" Holly mumbled. "You're going to be godmother you idiot" Holly laughed at her. "Now everyone go to bed" I said, yawning in the process.

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