Chapter 2(sexual content)

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3rd persons POV

The next morning was a blur for the two girls. Holly had probably had one of the best sleeps she's had in a while and Taylor was the opposite, she couldn't help but stay up all night and think. That's all she did. It killed her to see the girl she had fallen so deeply in love with crumble and break right before her eyes. "Morning love" Holly croaked to Taylor as she looked at the older girl smiling. No one could deny that these two were still indeed madly in love, but the road ahead was one to be extremely bumpy.

"Morning" Taylor replied, the enthusiasm in her voice lacking, Holly frowned at her girlfriends tone, but let it pass to stop any arguments being caused. "Well what do you want to do today?" Holly asked Taylor as she kissed her forehead. Taylor smiled at the gesture, remembering how it was always a common thing that Holly would do.

"I'm not too bothered. Are we spending the whole day together?" Taylor asked, her tone broke Holly's heart slightly, hearing the hope in her girlfriends voice, but also the doubt of spending time with her girlfriend just broke her. It seemed that Holly spent most of her time frowning lately, purely because she didn't want to say or do the wrong things. "Yeah, I've finished recording songs for the album now and picking which ones I want on there so now I just have to send this last song off and that's me done" the younger girl replied excitedly, but soon died down after she saw the look on her girlfriends face. "What? What's wrong?" She asked, her voice concerned, she was worried that she had said something wrong once again.

Taylor's POV

"Nothing honestly" I replied, it hurt me hearing her voice, it never sounded the same, not like it used to before. It always sounded so pained and tired, her rasp deeper than usual. Her face always looked tired, you could tell she was stressed and sad, she never had the glint of light in her eyes that she used to have, she also had dark bags under her eyes and her face looked thinner than usual. Then again she doesn't have the usual glow to her.

"Taylor?" Holly asked, I the pad of her thumb wipe my cheek, only then did I realise that I was crying hysterically, Holly sat me in her lap so I was straddling her waist as I cried into her collar bone. "What's wrong?" Holly asked as she rubbed my back soothingly and kissed the top of my head "nothing" I replied nonchalantly, Holly pulled away from me slightly and pulled my face up softly to look at her "why do that?" She asked, her own eyes becoming glassy "do what?" I replied blankly, still trying to play on the fact that I wasn't lying and there really was nothing wrong "Taylor why are you doing this? Why are you lying?" Holly exclaimed and questioned, her tone was now so pained and she was crying "Holly, please" I said as I continued to watch her cry, I wiped her tears away and took her into a tight embrace "tell me what's wrong please Taylor?" She pleaded, my shoulder was becoming wet from her tears "I miss you" I replied softly, my voice cracking at the statement, all the memories of how we used to be before she was signed, how good things were. I don't even understand how it all went wrong. "I'm here?" She replied, confused and astonished at the statement "no you're not. This isn't you, you're not the same Holly you used to be, you've lost her and I want her back. I need her back, I don't wanna lose her fully" I replied, spilling my heart to her ever so slightly, my voice breaking and cracking throughout the whole thing, tears streaming down my already swollen and tear stained face. "I don't want to fight with you anymore, always argue and I hate it. You're never home and I barely ever see you anymore and I don't want this to happen. Things just seem to be getting harder, I can't cope or keep up with your mood changes" I continued when she said nothing, her face blank of any emotion, but she was still crying, just staring at her hands playing with her fingers. "Please say something" I begged as I placed my thumb under her chin and lifted her head so she'd look at me "I'm getting help. I said the same thing last time and I got a councillor, but she left and gave me a new one who didn't work out. I need to find another and I shall, but I don't want to lose you either. I'm trying to hold on, but I can't I just seem to be losing myself more and more and the pieces are to sharp to pick up" she replied, the truth behind her words struck me hard, she had been trying to get help, but it just seems once things start to get good for her and things fall into place they are thrown about and broken and she can't fix things herself. "I'm always here" I whispered as I kissed her lips softly to emphasize meaning. "I'm gonna fix this" she spoke firmly, her voice the most confident id heard it in a long time. She then placed her lips onto mine in a sweet kiss, our lips moved in sync and Holly licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly granted.

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