Chapter 27

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Lauren's POV(how exciting)

I had just woken up and checked my phone, tons of messages were coming through from the girls and Twitter. I also had 6 missed calls each from both Dinah and Ally, man I was in trouble. I heard a knock from the door and a voice "Can I come in?" It was Holly. "Yeah sure" I replied quickly, she opened the door and came in. "Good morning, how are you feeling?" She asked sitting on the end of the bed with a pile of clothes. I looked over to her from my laying position and sighed heavily "I don't know what to do, I love her" I told her honestly. Holly was the only person I knew I could come to that wouldn't judge me and would give me the best advice. "Lauren, maybe she's scared? You know coming out as gay of any sort in this industry is hard" she replied suggestively. I thought about it for a second, but before I could open my mouth to reply my phone rang. "Who is it?" She asked as I looked at the screen, torn between answering or leaving it "Camz" I replied, looking at the picture, it was one of her kissing my cheek, that was a good day. "Answer it" Holly pushed, I slid my finger across the screen and put it on speaker. "Hello" I croaked out.
C- Lauren, where are you? We are all so worried about you, you've not answered any of our calls or messages. I thought something really bad had happened to you, you scared the shit out of me
L- I'm with Holly in LA, tell the girls I'm fine, I'll be back later on the first flight out
C- What the hell Lauren? You've had me up all night worrying that something had happened and now you act so calm about being in LA with your ex who has a girlfriend!
L- Holly and I ended a long time ago and we are friends, Taylor knows that and the two were kind enough to let me stay in their spare room, while I sorted myself out. Why would you care so much anyway?
C- Lauren? How can you even say that? I've been sat here crying all night because I thought that you had been killed and that I'd never see you again
L- I spent the night crying because the girl I love doesn't love me back
C- ...
L- Yeah that's what I thought, tell the girls I'll be back later
C- Lolo, I do love you, but I'm scared, Lauren I'm really scared
L- Camz I've got you, if you fall I'll catch you, but you won't and now you have Austin
C- We broke up, I want you Lauren
L- We'll talk when I'm back I can't do this over the phone
C- Okay, I love you Lauren
L- I love you too Camz

And with that I hung up. "Told you so" Holly smirked at my face, I didn't know how to react to this. "I need to book a flight" I finally said "Already done" Holly said smiling and handing me my clothes. "You leave in three hours, Taylor and I will drop you off" she told me before leaving and closing the door behind her.
I still can't believe she has been through so much and I'm helping out her through more. What am I doing?
After getting dressed I made my way downstairs and found the kitchen. "Morning" Taylor chimed, placing some chocolate chip pancakes on a plate and sliding it across the counter to me. "Eat up, you're leaving in about an hour and a half, can't have you on a plane without eating" she encouraged putting the pan into the sink. "Hey babe" Holly said as she came in the kitchen kissing Taylor's cheek. "Morning" Taylor replied smiling widely. As Holly turned to look at me I saw a fresh hickey on her neck and almost spat out my orange juice. "Nice bruise" I commented, causing Taylor to laugh loudly and Holly to frown "Can you notice it?" She asked placing her hand on the bruise. "Yeah" Taylor laughed out moving her hand away to examine it.
"For fuck sake Taylor" Holly groaned out after checking her neck in her phone camera. "Hey, you're the one that started it" she replied defensively, pointing to her own neck. "Actually Holly, Taylor's is worse" I admitted noticing the difference between them. "Thank you Lauren. See Holly" she thanked, I simply nodded and placed my plate in the sink. "Shit, we have to go" Holly cursed noticing the time. "Okay, let's go" I said going to the door. "Taylor you coming?" Holly asked, Taylor shook her head 'no' and Holly shrugged her shoulders following me out. "So, what are you gonna say to Camila?" She asked as we got in the car, closing the doors behind us I sighed "I'm going to have to, but I don't know what to say" I replied honestly. "Lauren, you just need to tell her everything, she feels the same I promise you, I can tell by the way she looks at you" she told me, confidence in the whole sentence. "When did you get so good with seeing things like that?" I asked laughing slightly to lighten the mood. "Taylor looks at me like it all the time, I'm sure I look at her like it too, she loves you Lauren" she admitted a small smile playing on her lips. "You really love her don't you?" I asked softly. She nodded her head "Every single thing about her, with every single bone in my body. She's my whole life" she replied sincerely.
"This is your stop" she smiled pulling up outside the airport. "Thank you for everything" I thanked her and went to get out "Take care of yourself Lauren, message me when you land and tell me what happens" she said kindly, smiling. I smiled back and nodded, closing the door behind me and walking to the airport doors.

Holly's POV

After dropping Lauren off I drove to pick up Jordan and Jimin. Jimin and I were going to go Christmas shopping for Jordan and Taylor and the pair were going to do whatever they were going to do.
"Hey, how you doing?" I asked the pair as Jordan got in the front and Jimin in the back. I noticed Jordan's bump was starting to get big and smiled widely. "When is he due?" I asked her, she looked down at her bump placing a hand on it "Like March kind of time" she replied, I nodded simply and started to drive back to my house. "Lauren was here last night" I told Jordan, out of the corner of her eye I noticed her head snap round to look at me with a questioning face. "Her and Camila were having some trouble and she was at my concert in hysterics" I started to explain, Jordan nodded signalling me to continue. "So I offered for her to stay at mine and Taylor's" I was cut off "And Taylor agreed to that?" She asked "Yes, Taylor was actually worried about her" I replied, finding even that sentence to sound weird let alone the fact that it didn't seem true. "You are joking right?" Jordan asked laughing herself. I turned and gave her a weak smile before turning back to the road "Actually no, I'm not" I replied, the car went silent and Jordan sat thinking of what to say next "Oh" was all I got as a reply. "Well yeah, so I just dropped her off at the airport" I informed her, she nodded and that was the end of that conversation.
After driving for another couple of minutes I pulled up outside of my house. "Taylor's inside, the door should be open. Jimin and I are going to head to town and do some Christmas shopping" I told Jordan, Jimin got out and opened Jordan's door for her, which she thanked him and pecked his lips before walking up the steps to the front door. Jimin climbed in beside me and we set off to the town.
"So where are you getting that present for Taylor?" Jimin asked as we walked through the highly packed streets of LA, I had to get this right, it had to be right. "I don't know yet, I need to find the right place" I replied, smiling at the thought. "Well hopefully this trip is successful" he replied with a big smile "What are you getting Jordan?" I asked curiously, through out the whole time we had discussed my gift to Taylor not once has he said what he was getting Jordan. "Lately she's been complaining about her camera, then she saw this new one that she's been dying to have, it's actually pretty cool, I'm going to get her that" he replied, I smiled at the idea knowing Jordan would love it. "Does it have a whole set?" I asked, he simply nodded and so we headed to get that first.
"Okay, now Jordan's done, where are we going?" Jimin asked, I still hadn't seen anything I liked yet, that is until we came across a secluded jewellery store. "Hello, how may I help you?" Asked a young lady from behind the counter as me and Jimin walked into the store. "I'm looking for an engagement ring" I replied, she smiled at me and nodded "I have just the one" she admitted, disappearing into another part of the store. "She doesn't even have an idea of what you want?" Jimin questioned, I shrugged my shoulders and we both started to look around. "Here, I found it. This is the best ring the shop has and it's just the size you need" she informed me, wiping a layer of dust from the box before laying it on the side and opening it. "Wow" I managed to get out, it was absolutely stunning. It was a simple silver ring with a small diamond that literally shone in the light and it had tiny diamonds encrusted around the whole ring. "You can put a customised message inside if you wish" the lady told me, I smiled and nodded, taking the ring and admiring it. "She'll love it" I said to Jimin, showing him the ring. His mouth dropped and he smiled, nodding his head. "What do you want the message to be?" She asked me, I thought about it for a second "Always and forever" I replied, I didn't even care how cliche it seemed, I wanted her to know that I was hers forever. "I will have it ready for you in an hour" she replied smiling sweetly, I nodded and Jimin and I left the store. "I need to pick up a present for Jordan now" I told Jimin, he nodded and we set off to find Jordan a gift.

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