Chapter 20

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Holly's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon, noticing Taylor's side of the bed was empty and that she'd gone to make breakfast, being awake before me and ready obviously. I got up and quickly showered, completing all the necessary cleansing tasks. Once I'd finished I got my attire out for the day, my usual black jeans accompanied by a dark blue button up shirt. I dried myself and then pulled on my underwear, then putting my clothes on. I brushed my hair out and dried it with the hair dryer. Leaving it down like I usually do, I took one look in the mirror before putting some perfume on and making my way to the kitchen.
As I was turning the corner to go into the door way I heard Taylor singing quietly to herself, I couldn't help the grin that pulled on my face when I realised that she was singing one of my songs. "Good morning" I chirped making her jump in the process. "Morning" she replied, she seemed really tired. "What's wrong?" I asked, sensing there was something not too right with her. "I didn't sleep much" she replied nonchalantly "Why do you seem like you don't care?" I asked carefully, not to over step her or make her angry. She turned herself to face the counter and shook her head, as if asking me to ignore it. "Taylor what's wrong? Why didn't you sleep?" I asked again, this time a little more firmly, although as soon as shed turned to face me I felt really bad. Her cheeks were puffy and her eyes swollen, bloodshot from crying and in that moment she looked the most vulnerable I've ever seen her in our almost three years of being together. "Come here" I sighed as I walked over to her with my arms open. She flung herself into my chest and immediately cried, I wrapped my arms protectively around her shoulders, her hands gripping the material of my shirt as she cried, hard. I kept stroking her hair soothingly, kissing the top of her head everyone once and again. Then she pushed me away and she didn't push me subtly, no she pushed me hard and I was shocked. "What is going on with you?" I questioned her actions harshly. She glared at me and her stare was so cold that could looks kill I would be dead by now. "I thought you loved me" she shouted, her eyes displaying her anger as well as the tone in her voice. "I do love you? I'm in love with you" I replied confused, not even arguing because I had no idea where this had come from. "Then why?" She cried loudly, breaking into sobs again. "Taylor please, I really don't know what I've done?" I pleaded, confused at her sudden outburst. "You cheated on me!" She screamed angrily, her voice venomous. I stood still, stunned and shocked into silence. I couldn't even formulate words, my throat had gone dry. Taylor went to leave the kitchen, still crying and and gripped her wrist to stop her, but as I did so she turned to look at me and her next actions were all a blur, so fast and the sensation of it came so quickly. Her hand collided with my face really hard, making a loud slap sound through the big kitchen. My head snapped to the side from the force and I found my hand flying up to my cheek to rub it, the sting burning it. "I can't believe you just did that" I spoke angrily through gritted teeth, she stood looking at me as I clenched my jaw and just looked at her in disbelief, she had a cold face and her facade was good. "Where's your proof? Who told you all this bullshit?" I demanded to know, I was not about to stand her and one, be accused of cheating and two; be slapped for the ridiculous accusation. "Here" she replied angrily, also through gritted teeth. She was handing me her phone and I was about ready to explode, clenching my jaw as I took it from her, frustrated that she'd believe anything media related after my earlier accusation, which also resulted in a slap. I looked at the screen and saw a text from an unknown number, the content was made up of pictures of me and some girl, supposably real. "You believe fake pictures from an unknown number?" I grew angrier by the second and couldn't believe how she'd reacted. "Well they're pretty convincing" she replied smartly, that I couldn't deny, but the fact that I had been with Taylor the whole time and had not even had a chance to, not that I would ever think of doing that, only one person has my heart and that's her. "I can't believe you, you know if you don't trust me than why don't you just say?" I shouted at her, it was my turn to be upset and angry. The cold face she'd managed to maintain faltered for a split second when she made eye contact with me, realising that my words had clearly done something. "Call me when you're ready to talk" I told her bluntly before storming past her and grabbing my jacket from the living room, putting it on and grabbing my keys before leaving the house, slamming the door behind me.

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