1. William A. Rose

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Summer. 1983 

Life was finally looking up for Axl. He moved away from his horrible family with his highschool friend Izzy Stradlin and the two formed a band. They played at multiple places while writing more and more songs for their first album. Which haven't been named yet. 

While jolting down some song lyrics in the tour bus, Axl saw Slash look at him with a surprised and worried look on his face. Slash was on the phone and he looked nervous. "What is it?" Axl asked. Slash held up a hand for Axl to wait a second. "Okay, I'll tell him," Slash said hanging up the phone. He turned to Axl who was looking curiously at him. "Well, you're a dad," Slash said telling Axl the news straight forward. A dad! I can't be a dad! What if I turn out like my dad and ruin my kid's life?  Axl thought. "He's at the hospital now. Are you going to go see him?" Slash asked. "Yeah," Axl said. "I can't just abandon him." 

They arrived at the hospital and went to the baby's hospital room where the mom Kelly and her parents Bruce and Katie were. Axl let out a shaky breath as he felt eyes burning holes into him. He peering into the baby bed and saw a tiny infant with a head of puffy red hair. Axl felt his heart melt. He smiled. "He doesn't have a name yet," Kelly said. "William A. Rose. And we'll call him Liam for short," Axl said. Axl was known as the careless bad boy and no one would even expect him to such a softy to this baby but here he is. 

"Sweet child o mine," Axl said reaching down to caress Liam's face with the back of his hand. Axl carefully picked Liam up and cradled him in his arms. Treating the child as if he could break as easily as thin glass. Axl watched as Liam fell asleep in his arms.

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