Chapter 1: Kun

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Kun was in his recording studio, as usual, making songs and recording songs, trying his best to create a masterpiece that would later be released on SoundCloud. This time around, he is looking for a female vocal that would suit the song that he is making. He looked at all sorts of websites with female singers who are looking to make it in the world. After looking for a long time, he found a girl from Kaohsisung, Taiwan named Zhu Xiaolian. She looks like this:

[Pictured above: Yeh Shuhua of (G)-Idle]

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[Pictured above: Yeh Shuhua of (G)-Idle]

Intrigued by her, Kun looks into her profile more in depth. He finds out that Xiaolian is the same age as Kun, and also shares the same talents as him; producing, singing, and dancing. Kun sends her a quick message through WeChat, and this is where their relationship all began. . .

Xiaolian gets back to Kun after a few hours. Kun offered to Xiaolian that she can fly to South Korea to record a song with him. Xiaolian saw this opportunity as her only chance to really make it in the entertainment industry. She couldn't say no, so of course she flew right over the following week. Xiaolian walks up to the SM Entertainment building, shocked at where Kun had asked her to meet him. She had no idea that Kun is under SM Entertainment and their subsidiary label; Label V. Despite the shock, Xiaolian follows Kun's directions, taking the elevator up to Kun's recording studio.

Xiaolian knocks on the door lightly. Kun opens the door with a performance-like flourish. He smiles brightly and greets Xiaolian. She looks up at Kun and waves shyly. Kun gesters for Xiaolin to come into the studio. First things first, Kun needs to text Xiaolian for her range. He wants to know the limit of her vocal range. In order to find this out, Kun sits at his electric piano. He pats the empty space next to him on the piano bench. Xiaolian is still nervous and shy, as she sits next to Kun.
"Don't be nervous." Kun said.
"Sorry, what?" Xiaolian asked.
"别紧张." Kun said, repeating in Chinese.
"Ah, okay. I speak English, I'm just nervous to speak." Xiaolian explained quickly.
Kun giggles, "Ah, you're doing fine."
"I'm nervous, you're handsome." Xioalian said, blushing.
"Thank you, you're pretty too." Kun said.

Kun and Xiaolian record their first song together. They decided to make a song that mixed Taiwan Chinese, Cantonese, and Mandarin. Since Taiwan has their own dialect, it sounds unique to the other dialects on the mainland. Kun likes the way that Taiwanese sounds. When they finished recording their song, it was late at night already. Xiaolian is a little tired from singing for a long time. She rests her head on Kun's shoulder, feeling comfortable with him now. Kun pats her head gently, trying to wake her up.
"Xiaolian, hey, hey~" Kun said.
"Huh?" Xiaolian asked, squinting her eyes as Kun wakes her up.
"It's time to go." Kun said.
"Oh, it's 2am." Xiaolian said.
"Our dorm has a guest room. I'll walk you." Kun said.
"Oh, okay." Xiaolian said.

Xiaolian thought she was going to stay at a hotel while she is staying in South Korea, but she is mistaken. Kun leads Xiaolian to the guest room in the WayV dorms. As soon as Xiaolian step foot into the dorms, she is shocked at how chaotic the dorms are, how loud the other members are. Usually, Kun is the loudest member, but this time around, it’s the other members. Kun wanted to be quiet this time because he is actually sneaking Xiaolian in and he doesn't want his members knowing that he brought a girl around. I'm sure they'll find out at some point, though.

That next morning, Xiaolian woke up before everyone else because she's still not used to the Korean time zone. She wanders the kitchen of the dorm and finds that a lady is making breakfast for the members. She is the lady that usually makes breakfast for all 23 members, and can speak all their languages; English, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese. Xiaolian introduces herself to the cook and she happily serves Xiaolian breakfast. She sits down at the table and waits patiently as the NCT cook brings over all the side dishes and main dishes commonly served during breakfast.

By the time Xiaolian finishes breakfast, all the WayV members come into the dining room to have breakfast as well. Kun was the first to wakeup and greet Xiaolian.
"I thought I'd take this time to explain myself. I'm not just a producer and vocalist. I'm actually the leader of WayV. I'm the oldest member, and I'm in charge of main vocal in my group." Kun explained.
"That makes more sense." Xiaolian said.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before you came here. It was all sudden." Kun said.
"No, it's fine. It was nice meeting your members. They're all so nice." Xiaolian said.
"I'm glad you like them. They're my best friends." Kun said with a smile.
"Yeah, you guys are nice to hang around." Xiaolian said.

When everyone finishes dinner, Kun takes Xiaolian back to the studio so they can record another song together. Kun also wanted to see how well Xiaolian dances, so he took her to the practice room as well. Xiaolian revealed that she is a classical Chinese dancer, so that means she is really, really flexible, and she can dance with a lot of grace. Kun nods his head as he watches Xiaolian dance. He really likes her style. Kun then offers to show Xiaolian how to do one of the WayV choreographies. The song he chooses is Turn Back Time. Kun presses play on the song and dances all the way through the song. Xiaolian is not used to this type of dance genre. She usually dances very gracefully, which is different to the style of Turn Back Time. She is willing to learn, though.

Kun goes through each part of the choreography, going step by step so that Xiaolian can get an idea of how to do the choreography properly. By the end of their 2-hour practice session, Xiaolian has memorized the entire choreography. The two dance together to the epic beats of Turn Back Time. They laugh together, having so much fun dancing together. Kun is so, so happy that he got to meet such an amazing girl. He wasn't expecting to meet someone online, then meet her in real life, but he is so glad he was brave enough to do it. By the end of their whole week together, they have fallen in love to say the least. Kun wasn't expecting it, but his love for her just grew and he knew that Xiaolian is the girl of his dreams. He wonders what could possibly be next for them. . .

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