Chapter 4: Lucas

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Lucas has a good idea of what his exact ideal type should be. When on the search for love, he knew exactly where he should go: the karaoke bar (노래방) in Seoul, the most popular one in fact. He went to Luxury Noraebang. Here, he could sing his heart out like no one was watching. He booked his own room and walking into his room to begin singing. Then, he was taken aback by a beautiful voice coming from down the hall. Intrigued by this voice, he leaves his room, following the sweet melodies of this voice. Lucas lurks outside this karaoke room where he listens to the girl continue to sing. Being brave, he goes into the room. The girl is frightened by Lucas, who is much taller than her. That girl just so happened to be me. I look like this (author face reveal):

 I look like this (author face reveal):

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I am 5'2, where Lucas is 6'0.

Lucas approaches me, confronting me to see if I was the one who was singing beautifully. I have been taking singing lessons for a few months during the summer, so I'm sure I've gotten much better than I was before.
"Lu- Lucas?" I asked, all nervous.
"Were you the one singing like that?" Lucas asked.
"Yes. . ." I said. I feel intimidated by him, even though he's nice.
"What is your name?" Lucas asked.
"My name is Raeshel. My nickname is Shelly. I also have a Korean name, it's Heejung." I said.
"What should I call you?" Lucas asked.
"Shelly. It's the easiest." I said.
"What year were you born in?" Lucas asked.
"2003." I said.
"I'm. . . 4 years older than you." Lucas said, having to do the math in his head.
"Yeah, and you were the one who said; 'age doesn't matter when it comes to love.'" I said.
"I did." Lucas said.
"I'm a huge fan of you, and I think you're really handsome." I said.
"Thank you, I think you're pretty." Lucas said.
"Aww, stop thanks. May I exchange KakaoTalk with you?" I asked.
"Ah, of course." Lucas said with a smile.

I pull up my KakaoTalk QR code and let Lucas scan it with his phone. With a sly movement, he wraps an arm around my shoulders, as he becomes my friend on KakaoTalk. My heart is literally beating out of my chest right now. When I came to Korea, I was never expecting this to ever happen to me. I rarely meet celebrities, and to meet someone like Lucas, it doesn't even feel real. I already turned 18 last year, on November 10, 2021, and it's my first night in Seoul, August 29, 2022, and this is what happens to me first. The only other person with me is my mom, and she is witnessing all of this happening to me right now.
"Oh, Lucas. You should probably introduce yourself. This is my mom. Mom, this is. . . Lucas, my new friend." I said.
"I thought he was just a random stranger. Nice to meet you, I'm her mom." Mom said.
"Ah, nice to meet you, I'm Lucas." Lucas said.

Lucas and I talk the whole night while hanging out in the 노래방. This is something I didn't know would happen while visiting South Korea, but I'm so glad it did. With Lucas wearing a handsome, blue, and velvety suit, his arm around me, and his hair all swoopy, he looks the most attractive he could ever look right now. The disco lights of the room, bouncing off his irises. Then, while my mom went to the restroom, he seizes the perfect opportunity to. . . Do this:

When he kissed me, it was just as passionate and romantic as what is shown above

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When he kissed me, it was just as passionate and romantic as what is shown above. When he pulls away from me, that's when my mom comes back into the room.
"Shelly, are you ready to go to the hotel room?" Mom asked.
"Ye- yeah. Just give me one second. I need to ask Lucas something." I said.
"What is it?" Lucas asked.
I then whisper into his ear, asking, "Why did you kiss me?"
Lucas whispers back, "It's because I want you to be my girlfriend."
I whisper, "Really?"
Lucas whispers, "Really. Will you be my girlfriend?"
I whisper and nod, "Yes."
Finally, Lucas says, "See you later, babe."
"Did he just call you babe?" Mom asked.
"I'll explain later." I said.
"Oh, you better. You shouldn't date someone you just met tonight." Mom said.
"You and dad did that, so why can't I?" I asked.
"Well, I guess you have a point." Mom said.

My mom and I leave the karaoke bar. While at the hotel room, I'm in the bathroom, sending voice texts to Lucas and he sends voice texts back. He has the most deep, most attractive voice I have ever heard. He has all the qualities I could ever want in a boyfriend. I hope this relationship lasts and it's not just a one-time thing. I hope Lucas is serious about me. The hard part will be when I go back home. I will have to start college this spring, so I'll be super busy. Lucas will also be busy with whatever he has to do with WayV, NCT, and SuperM. We will figure it out, though. I know that for sure.

That next morning, I see a couple good morning texts from Lucas that just make me smile so much. He already makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world that matters to him. He makes me feel so special, and I'm glad to have met him last night. I can't wait to see what our relationship has in store for the next couple of days, weeks, months, and if I'm lucky, years. I would like to be dating Lucas for a long time, but it all depends on our schedules. I'll be a busy college student, while Lucas will be a busy idol. I know everything will fall into place some time. Lucas has already promised me that he will make time for me, no matter the cost.

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