Chapter 32 - End Times

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It's starting! (You'll see what I mean soon enough).

I feel sad now... :(

'Why go when you can stay...'

Chapter 32 - End Times

The weeks after our wedding day passed quickly.

Our honeymoon was spent just off the coast of Italy; the sun and the sand -- along with the constant beautiful scenery and chatty tourists made everything seem breathtaking.

Every day we did different things. We made love almost every night we were there for the whole two weeks. I regretted none of it.

Seeing as each day passed, we got closet to the delivery day. We had to make the most of the time we had left together.

When we returned home, life returned to the same as usual. But as the months went by I started having several complications.

It started off with me having chest and stomach pains.

When we went to visit the doctor, they just told me to take it easy. Considering the complications of my birth, these symptoms were to be expected and they would no doubt get worse.

Relieved that nothing was happening to the baby, I did as I'd been told and spent the majority of my time in bed.

A few weeks after that, I began to have breathing problems and  found it hard to keep down blood.

To solve this, I actually had to feed from Adrian which was... an experience to say the least.

The doctor's had said that his blood wouldn't be rejected by my body because of our bond and his relation to our child; so far it had worked.

Just two weeks before my due-date I was sat in bed, eating away and hiding from almost everyone.

No-one had wanted to part from me for a long time, and at first it had been touching seeing so many people around me. But then after a while I actually became quite annoyed and had told Adrian to keep everyone out.

I was happily munching away when there was then a soft knock at the door. I was slightly pissed. 'Come in.' I snapped, loudly. Whoever it was would immediately wish they'd never disturbed me in the first place, I would make sure of it.

I valued my privacy.

My brother came in carrying a bouquet of roses and a large card. 'They're from Stacey's parents.' He explained as he placed them on the windowsill. 'Again.' The card stood proudly alongside the new edition of flowers.

I shrugged absentmindedly. 'What are you doing here?' At this point I'd stopped staring holes into the back of his head when I'd realised that he wasn't here simply to annoy me, and focused on stuffing my face with mint chocolate instead. It was one of the only perks of being pregnant -- you could eat as much as you wanted and no-one would judge.

Roland looked incredulous as he watched me, eyebrow raised. 'Nice to see you too, sis.'

I snorted. 'You saw me two weeks ago.' Munch. Munch. Munch.

'We used to see each other everyday.' He muttered to himself quietly. I wasn't meant to hear that, but I did.

Cue the putting down the box of chocolates. It was consolation time.

I sighed loudly, looking straight at him. 'I'm sorry, Roland. I just... Things have been hectic lately and since the doctor told me I've got to focus on resting--'

He cut me off. 'Don't apologise, Indigo. It's my fault.' He smirked cheekily. 'You shouldn't have heard that last bit anyway.' I grinned back at his facial expression.

'Yeah well, I did.'

After a moment his face became serious again. 'I don't want you to go through with this.' He told me.

He, along with everyone else except for Adrian, had been saying the same thing for weeks. Slowly, I patted the space next to me and commanded for him to, 'Sit.' He did.

Leaning over, I rested my head firmly on his shoulder and placed my hands on my swollen stomach. The scars had healed nicely and I only felt a twinge every now and then when I moved too quickly or pulled on the skin.

'I have to go through with this.' I told him quietly. His slow breathing filled the room as I spoke. 'This is my choice. I'm scared just like you are, but I still have to do this. They're my baby, Roland. I can't just give them up.'

When he looked at me I saw tears shining in his eyes. 'I don't want to think about what will happen.' He whispered to me, eyes wide. 'I can't think about losing you.'

I swallowed loudly. 'Then don't. Let's just enjoy the time we have together now.'

We sat together for a few moments in peace before I dared to speak up again. 'I love you.' I said.

He flinched as if he were in pain.

For a second I thought he wouldn't say anything back and I had to fight down pain in my chest.

When he breathed out heavily and said it back I grinned at him widely, relieved.

I tried to distract him from his thoughts by pinching him on the arm. 'Hey, at least you can have my room now.' I told him. For some reason he'd always adored my room the most, and when we were younger he'd hated me for having it.

He chuckled softly in remembrance. 'Yeah that's true.'

We sat there for a few more moments. 'You'll be OK.' I said. 'Look after mom and dad will you?'

He nodded.

When I felt a small twinge in my stomach I decided to dismiss it. 'Can you get Adrian? I'm hungry.' I told him.

Reluctantly, he got up before kissing the top of my head. 'You stay here and rest.'

Already I was eyeing the box of chocolates greedily. 'Oh, I will don't worry.'

My brother was half way to the door when I screamed out in agony.

'Indigo!' He yelled as I collapsed forward, my head resting helplessly against the mattress as I scrunched my eyes up in pain. 'Indigo!'

I couldn't focus on anything else except for the all-consuming fire that was residing in my stomach.

Please let my baby be OK... Please let them be OK..., I chanted before I let out another gut-wrenching scream.

My brother shook me. 'Indigo!'

The last thing I remembered before blacking out was my brother calling out Adrian's name.

OK, maybe there won't be just one chapter but it will be over soon....


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