Chapter 14 - The Announcement

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Chapter 14 - The Announcement

So many thoughts were going through my head as I fought the temptation to turn around and kiss the living daylights out of the vampire pressed behind me.

Adrian's touch was the leaving a trail of heat along my skin and it was so intense that I felt like I was burning from the inside out.

After several more moment l coup couldn't stand it and shakily pulled away before I could  seriously do something I'd regret.

'Enough.' I put my hand out for emphasis and even took several steps back into his room.

I needed the distance. 

He was staring at me with a hungry fire in his eyes as I ungracefully staggered away from him and it was making me tight below the stomach. I almost trembled.


You know when something happens to you, something so unexpected; so sudden; yet it's also one of the best things that could've possibly have happened to you?

Yeah well, you know how most people react to something like that? They become happy or extremely grateful or even jump for joy...?

Well I did something unexpected.

I got angry.

My body was trembling as I stared first at the floor than back into Adrian's pretty face and this time it most certainly was not because of lust or anything like it.

Giving him the bitchiest glare I could possibly ever muster, I straightened my spine and said, 'Who the hell do you think you are?'

See what I mean?

I'd just found someone who could potentially mean a lot more to me than Carlos ever could and yet I was yelling at him; demanding him to tell me why he'd even walked into my life.

Yep, I'm just great like that. I call it "information overload-itus." A rare disease that makes sane people behave stupidly.

I was high on it at the moment.

'Well?' I wasn't really angry at him, but my emotions were overloaded. I'd had too much to drink at the dining table; I'd been pining for a guy vampire all day that I would never have, and now I was being told that I was potentially Destined to someone else which is a big deal for any vampire.

They were rare, damnit.

Plus I was drunk. Wait, did I already say that?

Adrian was watching me with a look of exasperation and amusement as he tried to read my facial expression. When he spoke up I really did try to ignore the way  his voice was making me feel, but to no success.

'I've just told you we're Destined - information which I obtained from a very reliable source - and you're angry with me?'

'Yes!' No.

The night was getting a bit much; - must've been because I was saying stupid things.

As if on cue, the world started to tilt a bit more violently and I struggled to keep my balance. 'Don't touch me!' I yelled desperately as he took a step forward to try and help me.

Chuckling- yes, chuckling! He took a step back; his hands held up as if in surrender. 'I won't touch you.' He said.

Being a vampire, I growled at him (it was a reflex, I promise) and suddenly put a hand over my forehead to still the headache that was overcoming me.

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