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I jumped out off bed and brushed my teeth as fast as I could before rushing downstairs in my pajamas. With each step I got more excited for everyone to wish me a happy birthday! Nobody was in the living room so I ran to check the dining room. Nobody here either. Maybe the kitchen? Maybe there's a cake?! I rushed in and bumped into Alfred who was holding two breakfast plates.
"Someone's excited this morning" Alfred chuckled and I laughed with him until I noticed Damien and Bruce weren't in the kitchen with him.
"Where is everybody?" I walked with Alfred as he sat down both plates.
"Master Bruce went straight to work and Master Damien is staying with Master Todd for midterms" they left? What about me?
"I thought midterms weren't for another week?" couldn't he have left tomorrow? Or even just in the afternoon?
"It's important not to leaving your studies to the last second" Alfred patted my head and motioned me to sit down. I poked at my food for awhile thinking about it. I've been live here with everyone for 3 years but we've never celebrated my birthday... the first year they didn't know when it was, then there was a bunch of villain attacks last year... did they forget? No Bruce never forgets anything... maybe it's a surprise party! I bet everybody gonna be here when I get back from visiting Daddy! Todd and Dick and Jason should come too. I ate my breakfast while excitedly kicking my feet under the table before rushing to wait in the living room for Bruce.

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