Run away

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I chuckled as I saw Ace sound asleep on the couch. It's been a while since she's tried to stay up to see me get in. I scooped her off of the couch and started up the stairs when she stirred awake.
"What? What time is it?" I glance at the grandfather clock on the steps.
"1 am" as I answered her she jerked away from me, falling onto the steps. "Ace!" she crawled between my legs and ran downstairs before I could grab her. I ran after her but despite having shorter legs she's faster than me and Damien. She only stopped running when she got into the backyard. "Ace it's cold and dark, let's talk inside" she had sat down against the mansion near the backdoor.
"No. I don't wanna talk to you" she kept her face hidden between her knees and I sat down next to her. I only intended on letting her sit for a few minutes before trying to get her to come back inside but I blinked and the sun was up. "Ace?" I called for her as I walked back inside.
"She's not down stairs already?" Alfred questioned and my immediate though was that she was kidnapped again. I went to the bat cave to check the security cameras only to watch her leave the house with a backpack. "Why would she run away?" Alfred spoke with a slightly pain voice as I rubbed my face with my hands. I really don't have time for this today...
"Cancel all of my meetings today and see if you can find out which way she went using street cameras" Alfred nodded as I briefly contemplated taking the batmobile to find her. I dismiss the thought and head to the garage.

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