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I knocked on Aces bedroom door with Master Bruce after Tom had left. Unsurprisingly she didn't answer.
"Tim left you a birthday present" Bruce announced to the door that slowly opened to show Ace. I wince at the red around her eyes and the dried tears on her cheeks. She hasn't cried in years. Bruce handed her the bag and she opened it with a look of suspicion on her face. That look quickly melted away when she read a card that was in the bag. She dashed into room and pulled out a shoe box from underneath her bed that, despite appearing old, I had never seen. The lid read "Box of Wonders" and inside were a few small things but she put the card in the box and closed the lid before I could determine what any of them were. Master Bruce took it apon himself to walk in and sit on the bed while I thought it best to stay near the door. "I'm sorry we forgot about your birthday-"
"Again" she cut him off with a glare.
"But you can't act spoiled and throw a temper tantrum because you didn't get a party and presents" her face went completely red before she started shouting.
"I'M NOT SPOILED!! I DIDN'T ASK FOR ANY OF THIS!!" she frantically started throwing pillows at master Bruce followed by throwing the many stuffed animals he had bought her until he gave up and came outside the room.
"Are all girls this difficult?" he sighed as he moved down the hall to his room as he had already missed two meetings this morning.
"All children are this difficult sir" even the boys. They were just a different kind of difficult.
"I wasn't" I chuckled.
"I assure you, you were"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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