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I looked at my wet hair in the mirror, scrunching my nose at the brown splotches around my forehead from the hair dye. I've wanted to dye my hair for awhile but Bruce always said no. I walked out of the convenience store after putting my back pack back on. I decided to walk to Arkham since Bruce didn't take me yesterday like he was supposed to. Buuut which way was Arkham? I don't have a phone so I can't even look up directions...
"Ace!" I whipped my head around to see Bruce hastily parking the car and ran down an alley. I faster than Bruce and Damien on foot so I got careless. I tripped on a stone and landed face first next to a dumpster.
"Owwwww" I whined lifting my head up. I briefly saw a glimpse of what looked like a pearl under the dumpster before Bruce picked me up. "Lemme go!" I yelled and kicked trying to get away from him but he's way stronger then me so he easily buckled me in the passenger seat. I unbuckled myself and reached to try and get out on the drivers side only for Bruce to already be at the car door.
"Seatbelt" he said in a commanding voice but I just turned to the window. He sighed before reaching over to do my seatbelt before driving back to Wayne Estate. I noticed he clenched the wheel so hard his knuckles turnt white... of course I don't care about how he's feeling.
"What's wrong?" not that I care... I'm just curious.
"I have bad memories there" where? The alley? Bruce didn't exactly look chatty so I turned back to the window. We drove in silence all the way back to the manor.

The Princess and her Dark KnightWhere stories live. Discover now